HelpBox 是一個 100% 基於 Web 的幫助台解決方案,可説明管理所有傳入服務請求和支援呼叫。HelpBox 幫助根據優先順序、問題類型和技術技能將這些請求和呼叫分配給不同的資源。這有助於公司更快地解決問題。HelpBox 透過提高客戶和內部技術支援的溝通和效率來加快工作流程。由於 HelpBox 基於 Web,因此可以隨時訪問它。HelpBox 是完全可配置和可自定義的,使用"drop n drop" 技術,便於設計。
- 版本 5.0 發佈於 2009-06-07
- 軟體分類: 業務 > 説明台和遠程電腦
- 發佈者: Layton Technology Inc
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $695.00
- 版本: 5.0
- 作業系統: windows
End User License Agreement PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU OPEN THE DISK PACKAGE, or if obtained electronically, BEFORE YOU CONTINUE INSTALLATION. CAREFULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ( "AGREEMENT" ) BEFORE OPENING THIS PACKAGE. BY OPENING THIS PACKAGE, YOU ARE ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU ARE NOT WI LLING TO ACCEPT AND AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU SHOULD RETURN THIS PACKAGE IN UNOPENED FORM WITHIN 7 DAYS OF RECEIPT FOR A FULL REFUND OF THE LICENSE FEE YOU PAID. This Software (which term where appropriate shall be deemed to include all materials, associated with the Software including, but not limited to, all documentat ion, user manuals, t raining materials, and media) is Copyright (c) 1998 - 2003 by Layton Technology, I nc. All rights are reserved. 1. License Layton Technology, I nc, ( "Layton Technology" ) hereby grants to you, and you accept , a limited nonexclusive license to use the HelpBox™ computer software program contained on the enclosed in machine- readable, object code form only, along with the accompanying User Manual (collectively, the "Software"), only as authorized in this License agreement. Except for the rights specifically granted in this Agreement, Layton Technology retains all right, t it le and interest ( including without limitat ion, copyright and other intellectual property rights) in and to the software. 2. Use Installation and use of the software is strictly limited to the following terms and conditions. a) I f you paid a "Business Pack License Fee" to Layton Technology (as indicated on the Layton Technology invoice) , the software may be used with up to 100 End Users registered within the system. b) If you paid a "Corporate Pack License Fee" to Layton Technology (as indicated on the Layton Technology I nvoice) , the software may be used with up to 250 End Users registered within the system. c) I f you paid an "Enterprise License Fee" to Layton Technology (as indicated on the Layton Technology I nvoice) , the software may be used with an unlimited number of End Users registered within the system. All of the above License are provided for a single HelpBox installation or database. HelpBox User Guide Appendix C – End User License Agreement 3. Restrictions You agree that you will not modify, alter, reverse engineer, de-compile or otherwise t ranslate the software. You agree that you will not use the software to provide service bureau or other access and/ or use of software to third part ies. You agree that you will not display or store the software on any web page, or transmit the software electronically via the Internet. You agree that you will not sell, dist ribute, load, assign, sublicense, pledge, lease, rent , share or other wise t ransfer the software (or any copy thereof) or your rights and obligat ions under this agreement . Notwithstanding the prior sentence, you may make a one- t ime t ransfer of the software and all of your rights and obligat ions under this agreement to another party, provided that: (i) you retain no copies of the software (or the original); (ii) the other party agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this agreement; (iii) upon such transfer, your license shall be terminated. 4. Copies You may make a single copy of the software solely for backup and archival purposes, provided that such a copy contains all of the original Software Copyright informat ion and other proprietary notices. 5. Terms; Termination This license agreement is effect ive upon your opening of this package and shall cont inue unt il terminated. You may terminate this license agreement at any time by destroying the software (and all copies thereof) and erasing any copies residing on computer equipment. I n addit ion, this agreement shall be terminated automat ically if you fail to comply with any of the terms and condit ions of this Agreement . Upon such terminat ion, you agree to dest roy the software (and all of its copies thereof) and erase any copies residing on computer equipment. 6. Limited Warranty/Remedy Layton Technology warrants for your benefit alone, for a period of 60 days from the date of your receipt of the software ( the "Warranty Period" ) that ( i) the disk in which the software is contained is free from defects in material and workmanship, and ( ii) the software will operate substant ially in accordance with material funct ional specificat ions in the User's Manual. Layton Technology's ent ire liability and your sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of this limited warranty shall be, at Layton Technology's opt ion, either (a) return of the license fee you paid, or (b) repair or replacement of the software; provided that you return the software to Layton Technology within the warranty period along with a detailed descript ion of the problem encountered. The limited warranty provided in this sect ion shall be void if the problem encountered has resulted from improper use, neglect, abuse, accident or unauthorized modification. EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY SE FORTH IN THIS SECTION, THE SOFTWARE IS LICENSED "AS IS" AND LAYTON TECHNOLOGY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WITH REGARDS TO THE SOFTWARE (WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED) , INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABI LITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR HelpBox User Guide Appendix C – End User License Agreement PURPOSE, INFRINGEMENT OR TITLE, OR ANY WARRANTY OF THE QUALITY FUNCTIONALITY, OPERABILITY, USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. 7. Limitation of Liability UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY (WHETHER TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE) SHALL LAYTON TECHNOLOGY BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ( INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, COMPUTER FAI LURE OR MALFUNCTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS GOODWI LL OR INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS OF DAMAGE) ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE SOFTWARE ( INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION USE OR INABI LITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE) , EVEN IF LAYTON TECHNOLOGY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBI LITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL LAYTON TECHNOLOGY` S CUMULATIVE LIABI LITY TO YOU EXCEED THE LICENSE FEE PAID BY YOU FOR THE SOFTWARE. 8. Qualification Some jurisdict ions do not allow the limited warranty and remedy provisions described in section 6, or the limitation provisions described in section 7, so those limitations may not apply to you. This Agreement gives you specific legal rights and you may also have different or additional legal rights, depending on the applicable law in your jurisdiction. 9. Government The software is provided to the U.S. government only with rest ricted and limited rights. Use, duplications, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in FAR sections 52-227-14 and 52-227-19 or DFARS Section 52.227- 7013 (c)(l)(ii), as applicable. Manufacturer is Layton Technology Inc, 8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300, Tampa, FL 33637 10. Governing Law This agreement and any dispute or cont roversy arising out of or relat ing thereto shall in all respects be governed by and construed in the accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, excluding its conflicts of laws principles.