Teach Yourself Pro

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在潛意識層面加速教學或心理矯正的原創技術。使注意力和記憶的主動集中。心理學。心理。通過加速技術(演算法亞感、虛擬和視聽教學模式)研究任何外語。暗示性技術(如催眠)。在潛意識(光刺激,雙耳效應)的層次上啟動保留的訓練。自動標識代碼頁。兩個記憶體模式(組合(字典對)和頁面)。自動縮放字體和插圖大小,而不會損失圖像品質。支持國家符號在編碼單碼標準。外詞的抄錄。專業人士的共鳴。完全聽課。多行。互動式文字編輯器,帶有氣泡提示和 HTML 樣式的格式。催眠盤(阿基米德的螺旋)。擺。中間的半透明點,可進行漸進式放鬆。平鋪背景圖片,增強暗示效果。第 25 幀。遊戲技術(保持球和馬賽克)。自己的MP3編解碼器。帶參數均衡器的聲音編輯器。背景聆聽音樂作品(如巴羅克風格),長期漸進放鬆。將字典項目儲存為文字、聲音和圖形資訊的字典編輯器。常見多語種詞典的編譯器。保存用戶調整。多語言介面的友好設計。


  • 版本 發佈於 2007-06-25
    教學文字中的新 HTML 提示;程序代碼的優化;非關鍵錯誤得到糾正。



License All copyrights on "Teach Yourself Pro" belong to Skolozhabsky Andrew. THIS SOFTWARE IS DELIVERED BY THE PRINCIPLE "AS IS". ANY GUARANTEES IT IS NOT APPLIED AND IT IS NOT PROVIDED. YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE ON THE RISK. AUTHORS WILL NOT ANSWER FOR ANY LOSSES OR DISTORTIONS OF THE DATA, ANY MISSED BENEFIT DURING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. The given license resolves use of the registered version "Teach Yourself Pro" only on one computer. Shareware-version "Teach Yourself Pro" is distributed freely, under condition of that the present distribution kit is not changed. Any private person or the organization can not take a payment for distribution "Teach Yourself Pro" without reception on that of the consent of the legal Owner. As, the shareware-version "Teach Yourself Pro" should not be distributed in collections together with any other distribution kits of programs without the consent to that of the legal Owner. You can not use, copy, emulate, create new versions let or rent, to sell, change, decompile, disassemble, to study a code of the program other ways, to transfer the registered program or any of its components, otherwise, than is determined by the present license agreement. Any such illegal use means automatic and immediate cancellation of the present agreement and can be pursued under the law. All rights which have been not given here it is obvious, are kept for Skolozhabsky Andrew. Installation and use "Teach Yourself Pro" means, that you understand positions of the present license agreement and agree with all his conditions. If for any reasons you disagree with this license agreement, it is necessary for you to remove files of the distribution kit "Teach Yourself Pro" from your devices of storage of the information and to stop use "Teach Yourself Pro". We thank for a choice "Teach Yourself Pro"! (c) 2005 Teach Soft ® Ukraine. All rights reserved.