PC 9 虛擬節拍系統是一個免費的節拍系統軟體,您的 Windows PC。使用專業節拍機進行訓練有助於培養和保持節奏精度。此節拍器使用電腦聲音晶片的石英晶體實現極高的精度。您可以選擇四個節拍器聲音:兩個數位節拍器波形(現代節拍器和典型的電子節拍器)、機械節拍器和聲鼓套件中的高帽樣本。電子節拍器的聲音非常緊密和專注,非常適合練習您的聲學樂器(如吉他)。節拍節拍節奏可以通過滑塊或使用 +/- 按鈕在一個 BPM 步驟中方便地從每分鐘 40 次調整到 240 次節拍。或者,您可以通過點擊電腦鍵盤上的手指或按下「點擊」按鈕來設置節奏。您可以在 4/4 時間、3/4 時間或任何時間簽名中練習,每個桿最多 9 次。PC 9 虛擬節拍是一個簡單的視覺節拍系統,具有大量的節拍節拍顯示,允許音樂家練習與純視覺節奏參考同步演奏。這個免費軟體節拍器程式運行在WindowsXP,WindowsVista和Windows7電腦上。
- 版本 1.0 發佈於 2012-07-08
- 軟體分類: 教育 > 其他
- 發佈者: Flextron Bt.
- 軟體性質: 免費
- 價格: N/A
- 版本: 1.0
- 作業系統: windows
PC 9 Virtual Metronome License Agreement PC 9 Virtual Metronome is FREEWARE. You may install and use this software on any computer, free of charge. In addition, you may distribute PC 9 Virtual Metronome freely. For new versions and other music applications visit: www.ChordPulse.com RESTRICTIONS You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify any version/edition of the Software or any portion of it. You are not permitted to sublicense, rent, lease or sell any version/edition of the Software or any portion of it, or to use the Software in a time-sharing arrangement or in any other unauthorized manner. The Software is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Title and full ownership rights to the Software remain the exclusive property of Flextron Bt. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Flextron Bt makes no warranty of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to this Software, its quality, performance, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is provided "as is", and the Customer assumes the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy. IN NO EVENT WILL FLEXTRON BT BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, PROFIT, REVENUE OR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, RELATING TO THIS LICENSE OR THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF FLEXTRON BT KNEW, SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You can reach Flextron Bt, the publisher of the accompanying software at: www.ChordPulse.com