PDFBuilderASP 2.3

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 546.82 KB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

Ciansoft PDFBuilderASP 是 ASP 元件 (COM 物件),提供從伺服器文本生成 PDF 格式的檔案的功能。 圖像、圖形和文字可以包含在 PDF 文件中。 要添加到文檔中的圖像可以從許多流行格式的文件讀取,包括 BMP、TIF、JPG、GIF、PNG 和其他。 圖形可以通過在文檔中繪製線條、矩形、圓圈和橢圓來創建。 可以使用一系列標準字體或系統中可用的 TrueType 字型編寫文本。 用戶可以完全控制放置在文件頁面上的圖像、圖形和文本的定位和大小。 文本可以左對齊或右對齊,也可以以居中對齊。 自動換行。 可以將超連結添加到文本或圖像中。 支援多個頁面文件,對混合不同大小的頁面沒有限制。 通過自定義寬度和高度,或者通過從標準大小的預定義清單中選擇,支援所有頁面大小。 PDF 文件可以直接流式傳輸到瀏覽器。 如果需要,可以在 PDF 檔中嵌入字型。 試用版提供完整的功能。 試用版的唯一限制是,每個頁面上都會添加一個橫幅,說明試用軟體用於創建 PDF 檔。


  • 版本 2.3 發佈於 2010-04-06
  • 版本 2.0 發佈於 2007-01-22



CIANSOFT PDFBuilderASP 2.3 SINGLE SERVER LICENCE AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE. This licence agreement applies to the Ciansoft PDFBuilderASP COM Object and any accompanying files (collectively referred to as "the SOFTWARE"). By installing the SOFTWARE, you are considered to have accepted this agreement. 1. GRANT OF LICENCE. You are granted a non-exclusive licence to install and use the SOFTWARE on a single web server. You may transfer the SOFTWARE to another server only if you delete the previous installation. 2. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The SOFTWARE is the intellectual property of Ciansoft. You must not disassemble the SOFTWARE or sell it to another party or in any way distribute it to another party. 3. USE IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT In addition to the server to which this licence applies, you may install the SOFTWARE on one additional computer for development purposes only. This computer must not form a part of your production environment and must only be accessible to clients for testing purposes. 4. LIABILITY. The software is supplied without warranties of any kind. Ciansoft does not accept any liabilities which may arise directly or indirectly from its use. Ciansoft, April 2010. Web site: www.ciansoft.com Email: [email protected]