in-Step 4.10

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 190.84 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.5/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

進一步是 IT 專案管理的工具。它旨在幫助專案經理規劃和設置專案、為任務分配資源、跟蹤進度、管理預算、需求、變化和風險以及分析工作負載。所有團隊成員通過 LAN 或互聯網進行協作。該工具會自動將所有項目結果存儲到所有使用者共用的中央存儲庫中。集成的修訂控制可確保配置管理。可以編輯、指定和優先考慮要求和更改。任務根據要求創建。需求可在整個生命週期內跟蹤。提供測試管理和質量保證功能。特殊檢視和單個報表可幫助專案經理在多專案環境中為任務分配資源。進一步支持根據 CMMI 或 SPICE 改進流程成熟度。它提供項目規劃和文檔的範本。單個專案管理方法以及敏捷方法Scrum,英國專案管理方法S上,德國V-Modell XT,瑞士愛馬仕方法和汽車行業根據ISO/IEC 15504,也被稱為汽車香料。


  • 版本 4.10 發佈於 2012-12-11
    視覺工作室 2010 集成
  • 版本 4.8 發佈於 2011-01-11
    SharePoint 和 Visual Studio 2010 整合



The following licensing terms regulate the Personal Editions of in-Step between you and microTOOL GmbH. The Personal Editions and objectiF inside will be referred to as the "software" in the following. 1. Scope of Use Rights microTOOL grants you a license for the software at no charge. This license gives you the right to install and use the software on one or more computers for private or usual business purposes. You may use the in-Step Personal Edition without any time limit. The use rights are valid worldwide, are non-exclusive and non-transferable. The software may be used with the functions and properties which the software contains at the point in time when the software is installed. 2. Copyright microTOOL retains the sole, exclusive rights to the software. The right to use a license only entitles you to use the software to the extent specified in these licensing terms. All rights are reserved by microTOOL. 3. Further Use Restrictions You are not permitted to rent, lease or lend out the software. However, you may permanently transfer all of the rights from this license contract to a third party, provided the third party agrees to all of the licensing terms outlined here. Reverse engineering of the software or its data structures is not permitted. 4. Guaranty / Liability microTOOL limits its liability to damages which were caused intentionally. In addition, the rules of law apply. The period of the guaranty totals 12 months from the start of the legal warranty obligation period. a) Fulfillment of the Guaranty In satisfying its guaranty responsibilities, microTOOL can choose either to repair or replace defective software. Defective software must be returned to microTOOL. This guaranty does not cover software defects that result from accidents, misuse or incorrect usage. microTOOL guarantees replaced software for the remainder of the original warranty obligation period, at least, however, for an additional 30 days from receipt of the replacement software. b) No Guaranty for Specific Purpose of Application microTOOL does not guaranty the software for any particular purpose or that it is compatible with other software you select. You alone are responsible for the selection, installation and use, as well as the intended results. c) No Liability for Incurred Damages With the exception of damages incurred intentionally, microTOOL is not liable for any damage resulting from the use of or inability to use the software. This includes, without exception, loss of profits, business interruptions, lost business information or any other financial losses. This also holds true when microTOOL was informed about the possibility of such damages in advance. The limitation of microTOOL's liability does not apply to damages that result in physical injury, harm to health or loss of life. 5. German Law Use rights for the software is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The contract venue and legal jurisdiction is Berlin, Germany. The licensing terms take effect from the time when you received the software by downloading it or receipt on a CD-ROM, at the latest, however, when you install it. Your own general terms and conditions do not apply. If you have any questions please contact us: [email protected]