Almeza Time Organizer 3.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.41 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.7/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

阿爾梅薩時間管理器具有直觀的樹結構。每個項目都顯示為 單獨的任務樹。任務具有某些參數,通過這些參數 控制。添加任務非常簡單,即使沒有 切換到主程式視窗。 如果應用程式駐留於系統托盤中,則您可以訪問 管理器功能按熱鍵。例如,您可以快速添加任務或 打開今天的所有任務。 要瞭解更多資訊,請看程式的基本功能。 使用時間輔助專業版,您將能夠: - 有一天/月/年的時程表 - 建立清晰的要做的事情結構 - 明確瞭解您的目標 時間組織者應該擺脫所有不同的五顏六色的棒子 筆記粘在你的螢幕的邊緣,和所有其他類似的 組織過時的工具。現在,您的計劃和任務將 在安全的地方 因為眾所周知,有明確目標的人能實現更多 比那些不知道他們想要什麼的人。


  • 版本 3.0 發佈於 2007-02-19
    • 新功能



SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT Time Assist Pro is distributed as try-before-you-buy. This means: 1. All copyrights to Time Assist Pro are exclusively owned by Almeza Research. 2. Anyone may use this software during a test period of 30 days. Following this test period of 30 days or less, if you wish to continue to use Time Assist Pro, you MUST register. 3. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use Time Assist Pro. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for Time Assist Pro, these are: a. A single computer USAGE license. The user purchases ONE license to USE Time Assist Pro on ONE computer. b. A Time Assist Pro USAGE license. The user purchases a number of USAGE licenses for use on the same number of computers. c. A SITE USAGE license. The user purchases a single USAGE license, authorizing the USE of Time Assist Pro on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical SITE location. This SITE location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town. The registered Time Assist Pro software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, if the person receiving it agrees to terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 4. The Time Assist Pro unregistered trial version, may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of Time Assist Pro without written permission from the copyright holder. The Time Assist Pro unregistered trial version may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission of the copyright holder. 5. Registration instructions can be found here. 6. Time Assist Pro IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ALMEZA RESEARCH WILL NOT BELIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. 7. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by Almeza Research,LLC. 8. Installing and using Time Assist Pro signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. 9. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Time Assist Pro files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for using Time Assist Pro ! Copyright 2005-2006 Almeza Research. All rights reserved.