IBN Web Project Management Software 4.7.54

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 32.30 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

基於 Web 的協作內聯網和外聯網總線門戶,用於共用資訊和檔以及安全通信。IBN 包括一系列功能強大的專案管理協作工具:管理專案、上傳檔、關注討論、共用通用日曆以及更輕鬆地協作以確保專案成功、MS 專案同步和 MS 專案導入/匯出工具。IBN 還啟用了問題跟蹤和説明台工具以及未合併的安全即時消息、電子郵件和 IBN IM 通知。 IBN 專案管理和協助合作門戶的 Shorlist: 建立和編輯專案 專案團隊創建、添加贊助者和利益幹系人清單 在項目中創建任務、操作、日曆條目、問題和其他物件 任務的組織結構 任務結構顯示的不同方式,包括甘特圖 財務管理 項目協調 利用基礎計劃衡量項目實現效率 專案資訊欄位的擴展 檔庫 討論 將專案統一到專案組中,在專案之間創建關係 保存專案任務結構和團隊的範本 報告和統計 從/從 MS 專案導入/匯出專案 與MS專案同步 與其他用戶共用日曆 IBN 用戶端中的在線會議 快速文件傳輸給其他使用者 共用文檔的工作 公共檔庫 系統使用者對信息塊的不同訪問 專案團隊自動通知專案的所有更改 所有感興趣的使用者自動提醒即將來臨的活動 使用不同數據創建清單並與其他用戶共用 與其他使用者的即時消息 對任務、任務、專案等的評論。 公司內部問題協調 垃圾郵件過濾器 根據 aut 規則自動將外部問題路由給負責使用者



To use this version of the Instant Business Network Server software, please first review and agree to this License Agreement: Instant Business Network Server LICENSE AGREEMENT This Instant Business Network Server License Agreement ("License") is your proof of license for the Instant Business Network Server software ("the Software"). 1. Grant and Term of License. Mediachase, LLC ("Mediachase") grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and royalty-free right to install and use the Software. The Software may be installed on computers or network servers under your control. 2. Restrictions. The Software is the property of Mediachase and/or its licensors and is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws and treaty provisions. All rights to patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets in the Software or any modifications to it shall be and remain in Mediachase and/or its licensors. 3. Changed Terms. Mediachase shall have the right to change or add to the terms of this License at any time and to change, discontinue or impose conditions on any aspect of the Software. Such changes shall be effective upon notification by any means reasonable to give you actual or constructive notice or upon posting of such terms on the Software. 4. No Warranties or Liabilities. You expressly acknowledge and agree that this Software is software, which may contain software bugs, which could cause unanticipated consequences through its use. 5. Export Restrictions. You acknowledge that the Software and Documentation acquired hereunder are subject to the export control laws and regulations of the U.S.A. 6. General. This License constitutes the entire agreement between you and Mediachase with respect to this Software and supersedes any other communication (including advertising). 7. Government Restricted Rights. The use of this product by any Government agency, department, or other entity of the Government is further restricted in accordance with the terms of this License, and any modification thereto. The Manufacturer is Mediachase, LTD. 8150 Beverly Boulevard, Suite 100- Los Angeles, CA 90048. END OF Instant Business Network Server LICENSE AGREEMENT