此應用程式可以暫時或永久地(通過命令行開關)更改桌面寬度、高度、顏色深度和刷新率。它還支援多監視器配置。您可以讓顯示更改器以特定的顯示解析度運行另一個應用程式,並在應用程式完成後返回到以前的解析度。DC 還可以在多個監視器配置中重新排列監視器。命令列開關允許您僅更改某些尺寸並選擇最佳刷新率(或特定刷新率)。運行直流.exe不帶開關的直流運行將顯示使用方式資訊。
- 版本 4.3.2 發佈於 2011-12-27
修復文件 -頂部/底部添加 -以上/下方。將 -頂部/底部添加到 DC。 - 版本 3.11 發佈於 2007-03-04
------------------- License Agreement ------------------- 12noon Products ------------------- LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO ALL USE OR DISTRIBUTION This product and all associated software and documentation are copyrighted products of 12noon and are protected by United States copyright law and also by international treaty provisions. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to 12noon. The use or distribution of these products is expressly prohibited, except as authorized by the terms of this agreement. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, prepare derivative works based upon, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO USE OF UNREGISTERED VERSION 12noon grants to the licensee a non-exclusive license, subject to the terms of this agreement, to use this software for personal, non-commercial, evaluation use of the licensee. In other words, you may not use this software to earn money without prior, written authorization from the author. If you decide to continue using this software, you must register the product with 12noon. LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO USE OF REGISTERED VERSION The registered software is licensed on a non-exclusive basis to the licensee, the purchaser, for your use. You are not obtaining title to the software or any copyright rights. You may use the licensed software on a single personal computer system, and make as many copies as needed for backup and archival purposes. If you want to use these products on more than one computer, you must purchase additional licenses. LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO USE OF FREEWARE 12noon grants to the licensee a non-exclusive license, subject to the terms of this agreement, to use this software for personal, non-commercial use of the licensee. In other words, you may not use this software to earn money without prior, written authorization from the author. LIMITED DISTRIBUTION LICENSE Permission is granted to individuals charging no fees, and to BBSes, User Groups, Mail-Order Disk Vendors, CD-ROM publishers, and BBS File-Distribution Networks regardless of fees, to distribute this free or unregistered product, provided they convey a complete and unaltered copy of the shareware or freeware version of this product, and provided they claim no ownership of these products and include a statement that all rights, title, and interest in the licensed software are owned by 12noon. Permission to distribute these products is not transferable, assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to distribute these products must independently satisfy the terms of this limited distribution license. 12noon may revoke any permissions granted here, by modifying this agreement on the Web site.