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具有新圖形可能性的圖片演示設計。與向量動畫和視頻移動沒有實際邊框進入否則靜態圖片序列。有可配置的動畫的標題,副標題,文本點。您可以使用可自由設計的 Flash 動畫。每幅畫可以存入大量的紙幣,必要時可以褪色。可以顯示許多圖形變體中的字幕。此外,還可以使用不同的裝飾字體,這些字體也顯示在其他計算機上。對於全景圖和文檔在自動滾動條中褪色。圖片可以通過可自由定位的圖表和視頻覆蓋。在圖片之間可以選擇不同的交叉淡入淡出。演示期間的交互性實現了具有 25 個控制功能的新維度:在演示過程中,有可能在字幕中進行全文搜索和圖像預覽。每次可以在結構功能表、圖像清單或幫助螢幕中褪色。聲音可以通過不可見的音量控制來控制。如果觀察者無法讀取字幕,則通過按鍵可移動字幕到上邊框。如果感覺 Windows 游標不匹配,則關閉他或用彩色動畫顯示游標替換他。幻燈片放映和每個圖像都可以在每個設計狀態下進行測試,並在實際模式下添加內容,無需翻譯。結果可以在 CD 上燒錄或保存在鬥桿上,並在不安裝的情況下顯示在每台 PC 上。設計程式可以在德語和英語之間切換。4:3 或 16:9 存在特定變體。DIGISTUDIO 為互聯網製作可能唯一的幻燈片,並有可能集成免費動畫。


  • 版本 發佈於 2015-02-08



End user license agreement for the software DIGISTUDIO 2004 by Speedy Soft, http://www.drschef.de/ Please you read the following license agreement carefully and install you the program only, if they agree with it. WARNING: This program is protected by copyright and international agreements. Unauthorized reproduction, unauthorized selling or unauthorized use of this application or one of your components are criminally pursued. This software license in written form, in the following as license designated, contains all rights and restrictions for final users, who regulates the use of the accompanying software, data media or other documents, in the following as software designated. Read please the license agreement carefully, before you install the software. By installing the software you agree the conditions of this license agreement. One points out that it is not possible after the state of the technology to provide software for computers in such a way that it works free of errors in all combinations and applications. Contractual item ist herefore only a principle useful software in the sense of the description and operating help. 1. Right to use of the Download version Speedy soft grants you a temporally not limited, not exclusive authorisation to use the software. The software is limited to a small number of pictures. 2. Right to use of the licensed version Speedy soft grants you an atemporally not limited, not exclusive authorisation to use the software. The software has a limit of 999 pictures. The public distribution on CD, in the Internet or on other way is permitted only with express permission. By DIGISTUDIO provided presentations and contents of CD may be distributed however in each way publicly. 3. Copyright The software is in copyright matters protected property of Speedy soft. The software may not be changed, decompiled, disassemblied, decoded, extracted or changed somehow otherwise. The program or parts of it not may be rented, sold, further-licenced on third or be further-marketed otherwise in any form without express permission of Speedy Soft. The license of DIGISTUDIO may be used either by an individual person, wich used the software personally on one or more computers, or on an individual job to be installed, which is used also successively by several persons, however not both. 4. Registered trade marks and logos Windows is a registered trade mark of the Microsoft corporation. Allfurther registered being and logos are property of their respective owners. 5. Renouncement of any warranty The software is made available under exclusion of any guarantee. All expressed or implied representations and warranties, including all possible implied warranties of the trade concerning the suitability to a certain purpose or law breaking are hereby excluded. 6. Non-liability Speedy Soft is not responsible for damage, which by the user or third is caused by use or spreading of the software. In no case Speedy Soft is responsible for escaped business volume or profit, for loss of data or for the direct, indirect, special, logically following, casualor including claims for damages, which were caused by the use or the impossibility of the use of the software, independently of theoretically existing adhesion, even if Speedy Soft were informed by the possibility of such damages. 7. Limitation of liability The users uses the program exclusive on own risk. The Speedy Soft is responsible for damage maximally to for the height of the paid royalty, even if Speedy Soft were informed about the possibility of such damages. This restriction applies also to requirements of third. 8. Completion The license and thus use permission expires automatically, if you do not agree the license regulations described here or offended against the license regulations. In the case of completion you are obligated, all copies of the software delete and/or destroy. The final user is responsible for each damage, which results to Speedy soft from the injury of these license regulations. 9. Applicable right To this license agreement is applicable excluding German right, the area of jurisdiction is Chemnitz. The choice of another national right or another area of jurisdiction is impossible. 10. Reduced support and elimination of errors If you the software according to the special conditions of this license agreement use, possess you no requirement on support or telephone support and it exist no requirement on elimination of errors. 11. Multi-user licenses, firm licenses Should have been delivered the copy of the software, which you received, with a license agreement in more printed or in other form, have been deviated their conditions concerning point 2 from this agreement, then the license agreement inmore printed or other form regulates the use of the software in this point. All other points of these agreements keep further your validity.