conaito PPT2Flash Sharing KIT 1.0

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是否要將演示文稿共用添加到網站,還是要構建演示文稿社區或將演示文稿共用到網站?Conaito PowerPoint 到 Flash 共用 KIT 為您提供了一個智慧而有效的解決方案,用於將 PowerPoint 演示文稿轉換為易於使用的連線快閃記憶體演示文稿和專業 Flash 內容創作,如貿易展覽、會議、電子學習、研究、研究、電子賀卡、趣味內容和上傳到您的網站或檔伺服器。 PPT2Flash 共用 KIT 可以完全品牌化和自定義,其方式看起來像您自己的應用程式。您可以控制其外觀,控制轉換設置和上傳設置。 KIT 是一個完整的用戶端解決方案,可説明您建構成功的 Web 展示社群。 這是一個非常簡單的過程: 1) 使用者從您的網站下載重新品牌的 PPT2Flash 分享應用程式並安裝它(僅一次) 2) 使用者拖動將 PowerPoint 演示文稿拖入應用程式 3) PPT2 Flash 共用套件將演示文稿轉換為快閃記憶體,並將預覽顯示給使用者 4) PPT2 Flash 共用套件使用上傳設定將 Flash 演示文稿上傳到您的網站 主要優點 如果要將演示文稿共用添加到網站,或者您有演示文稿服務,或者想要構建演示文稿共用社區,則 PPT2Flash 共用 KIT 具有以下優勢: 您無需專用伺服器將 PowerPoint 轉換為快閃記憶體 您當然知道,轉換 PowerPoint 演示文稿是一個非常耗時和 CPU 的過程。使用 PPT2 Flash 共用 KIT,演示文稿轉換任務是在使用者自己的電腦上執行的,而不是在您的伺服器上執行。 不要浪費頻寬,而是提高上傳速度 PPT2Flash 共用套件將上傳高度壓縮的快閃記憶體演示文稿,從而減少頻寬賬單和使用者的等待時間。 避免不相容地獄 轉換后的 Flash 演示文稿工作,看起來像您的 PowerPoint 和更多!


  • 版本 1.0 發佈於 2008-03-31
    是否要將演示文稿共用添加到網站,還是要構建演示文稿社區或將演示文稿共用到網站?Conaito PowerPoint 到 Flash 共用套件為您提供了一個智慧而有效的解決方案,用於轉換 PowerPoint 演示文稿!



Single Domain based Licensing We provide a 'Single License' to a 'Single Domain'. You are limited to use the Single License under your Single Domain name. So, if you will use the conaito PPT2Flash Sharing KIT on two different Domains, then you would have to buy two license keys. But you are free to use a single license for as many copies of the product for which you have purchased the License Key. The exclusive using or selling of the conaito PPT2Flash Sharing KIT components without it being as re-branded conaito PPT2Flash Sharing KIT is not permitted. Support and Maintenance The Support and Maintenance subscription provides you with email support for all of our products. In addition your subscription provides all new product releases and updates while your subscription is active. The conaito PPT2Flash Sharing KIT can be purchased with either a without, 30 days, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years or Lifetime of support and maintenance subscription. If your support and maintenance agreement has expired it can be renewed by purchasing a "Subscription Renewal" within 30 days after expiration. Unlimited Redistribution/ Royalty Free License and other Fees You are free to redistribute, as many copies of your product (per Domain/ Desktop application - Royalty Free License) which incorporated re-branded conaito PPT2Flash Sharing KIT. Conaito Technologies provides royalty free licensing (per Domain/ Desktop application - Royalty Free License), you don't have to pay any fee or royalty to redistribute your products which incorporate re-branded conaito PPT2Flash Sharing KIT. We do not charge any yearly or monthly fee.