Classic Style Menus for PowerPoint 4.7

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一款功能強大且易於使用的外接程式,用於在 Microsoft PowerPoint 2016、2013、2010、2007 功能區上顯示 Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 的經典功能表和工具列。 Microsoft PowerPoint 中的所有新功能都已添加到經典樣式功能表和工具列中。 支援 Microsoft PowerPoint 支援的所有語言,包括:英語、法語、德語、義大利語、西班牙文、葡萄牙文、日語、荷蘭文、中文等。 您是否在尋找功能區上的哪個選項卡包含您處理 Microsoft PowerPoint 時想要的函數時浪費了大量時間?請不要擔心。現在,經典樣式功能表和工具列將熟悉的功能表和工具列帶回您的 Microsoft PowerPoint。 安裝軟體後啟動 Microsoft PowerPoint 時,您將在 Microsoft PowerPoint 的功能區上看到 Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 的熟悉選單和工具列。您可以立即啟動作業,並使用 Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 快速完成作業。 您將獲得所有 Office 套件的平滑學習和培訓曲線,並立即使用它們:基本、標準、家庭與學生、小型企業、專業、專業、企業和終極。 輕鬆啟用或禁用功能表和工具列。 易於顯示或隱藏功能區上的原始選項卡,包括主頁、插入、頁面佈局、視圖、審閱等。 易於部署到企業或組織中的用戶端計算機。 易於安裝和卸載此軟體。 快速查找並執行所需的命令。 檔大小小:僅小於 700 KB!( 0.7 MB ) 您可以決定選單的顯示位置。 快速啟動並立即使用它!



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ACCM Software agrees to provide the user ("USER") with a copy of this software product ("SOFTWARE"), and grants the USER a limited license to use the SOFTWARE. ("LICENSE") This LICENSE defines what the USER may do with the SOFTWARE, and contains limitations on warranties, liabilities and remedies. This LICENSE may be revoked by ACCM Software at any time without notice if the USER fails to comply with the terms of this LICENSE. The copyright and all other rights in the SOFTWARE shall remain with ACCM Software. LICENSE OF UNREGISTERED SOFTWARE An unregistered copy of the SOFTWARE ("UNREGISTERED SOFTWARE") may be used by the USER for evaluation purposes for a period of 7 days following the initial installation of the UNREGISTERED SOFTWARE and the USER can search for duplicate email messages but can not process (delete, mark, copy, move) them. ("TRIAL PERIOD") At the end of the TRIAL PERIOD, the USER must either register the SOFTWARE or remove it from his system. The UNREGISTERED SOFTWARE may be freely copied and distributed to other users for their evaluation. LICENSE OF REGISTERED SOFTWARE A registered copy of the SOFTWARE ("REGISTERED SOFTWARE") allows the USER to use the SOFTWARE only on a single computer, and only by a single user at a time. If the USER wishes to use the SOFTWARE for more than one user, the USER will need a separate license for each individual user. The USER is allowed to make one copy of the REGISTERED SOFTWARE for back-up purposes.