AZ Icon Editor 7.0.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 3.06 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.7/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

AZ 圖示編輯器是一個功能齊全的強大圖示編輯器,用於創建和編輯任何大小和顏色深度的圖示,以及 Windows 靜態或動畫游標。 該程式提供所有的圖示/游標繪圖工具和各種高級圖像操作功能,具有極其高效的排列。 功能包括自動生成多圖示檔,涵蓋 256x256 PNG 的專案和 8x8 到 128x128 ICO 的專案。 此應用程式因其可靠性、多功能性和豐富的功能而廣受好評,是周圍最好的圖示編輯器之一,具有圖示實用程式的全面覆蓋。 其基本功能包括佇列幾個圖示編輯在任何時間,自動建立不同的效果, 可選地儲存到單圖示或多圖示檔,從 dll 或類似資源中提取圖示,將 bmp、gif、jpg、wmf、emf、png 和 tiff 等影像轉換為 在任何角度添加實體或空心文字,創建動畫游標檔或從它們獲取圖示,顯示 Vista 和 Winows 7 圖示各個圖元的特定 Alpha 值,編輯它們或將其轉換為在 Vista/Win7 和非 Vista/Win7 系統中使用,等等。目前有30多個國家有企業和個人註冊使用者。


  • 版本 7.0.0 發佈於 2011-05-31
  • 版本 6.0.0 發佈於 2007-05-07



AGREEMENT: The "AZ Icon Editor" (hereafter called "the Software") is a shareware program. This means you have ample opportunities to evaluate, by yourself or your agent, its usefulness and functionality before committing a purchase. The Software is distritubed "As Is" and with no warranties of any kind, express or implied. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement. 1. LICENSE: You are granted to use one copy of the Software for each license you purchased for. This license is not transferable to another organization or individual. You are responsible for the safe keeping of the registered copy of program and there will not be a replacement of it or its License No. 2. OWNERSHIP: The Software is owned and copyrighted by Herman Compute. Your license confers no title or ownership in the Software and should not be construed as a sale of any right in the Software . 3. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In no event shall Herman Compute, or its officers, employees, affiliates or contractors be liable for any incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of the Software. By installing and/or using the Software, you accept all the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to any of them, then do not install &/or use the Software.