輕鬆更改 Windows 8、Windows 7 和 XP 顯示的圖示。只需右鍵單擊圖示,然後從彈出式功能表中選擇"外觀"。優雅對話框允許您更改電腦上的任意位置的圖示。如果無法使用「顯示」設定自訂圖示,則無法完成該圖示。資料夾、快捷方式、外殼或系統圖示"顯示"可以在更多位置更改圖示,而不是任何其他圖示工具。版本 7 添加了彩色資料夾和庫圖示(彩虹中的任何顏色)、直接從照片自定義圖示(JPG、PNG、BMP)以及新的圖示和游標庫(Windows 8 和 7)。 在顯示可以更改程式檔的圖示,Windows 安裝程式快捷方式,可以刪除或自定義快捷方式箭頭和共用疊加,並刪除安全盾疊加。 在 Windows 8 和 Windows 7 下自信使用!Microangelo 在顯示幕上正式獲得 Windows 7" 認證;"Windows 8 相容"所有檔都安裝到適當的系統和使用者位置。在 Display 上識別所有使用者帳戶控制項,以便將其功能安全地擴展到特權最少的使用者和管理員。
- 版本 7.0.0 發佈於 2012-03-28
Windows 7 的主要版本(Vista/XP) - 版本 6.10.8 發佈於 2007-07-13
- 軟體分類: 圖形應用 > 圖示工具
- 發佈者: Impact Software
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $24.95
- 版本: 7.0.0
- 作業系統: windows
BEFORE YOU INSTALL MICROANGELO, CAREFULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BY INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND ARE BECOMING A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. Microangelo(tm) On Display Copyright 1995-2012 by Leonard A. Gray. All rights reserved. SOFTWARE LICENSE Non-licensed users are granted a limited license to use Microangelo On Display, hereafter referred to as "the software", on a trial basis for the purpose of determining whether the software is suitable for their needs. The use of the software, except for the initial trial, requires registration. The use of unlicensed copies of the software, outside of the initial trial, by any person, business, corporation, government agency or any other entity is strictly prohibited. A license for personal use may be purchased that grants the user the right to use the software on one or more computers. A commercial license requires sufficient licensing equal to the number of users, or the quantity of workstations that access the software, whichever is smaller. No one may modify or patch the software executable files in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise reverse engineering the programs. A limited license is granted to copy and distribute the software only for the trial use of others, subject to the above limitations, and also the following: 1) The software and all of its release files must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing this license information. 2) No fee, charge, or other compensation may be requested or accepted, except as authorized below: A) Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops) may make the software available for downloading only as long as the above conditions are met. An overall or time-dependent charge for the use of the bulletin board system is permitted as long as there is not a specific charge for the download of the software. B) Vendors of user-supported or shareware software approved by the ASP may distribute the software, subject to the above conditions, without specific permission. Non-approved vendors may distribute the software only after obtaining written permission from Eclipsit Corporation. Such permission is usually granted. Please write for details (enclose your catalog). C) Non-profit user groups may distribute copies of the software diskette to their members, subject to the above conditions, without specific permission. Non-profit groups may collect a disk duplication fee not to exceed five dollars. Use of this software for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents.