Zoom Engine 1.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 2.87 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.3/5 - ‎8 ‎評分

縮放引擎是一個與 Photoshop 相容的外掛程式,用於放大圖像。它易於使用,具有極大的多功能性,能夠處理各種圖像,同時提供比普通甚至專用工具更高的結果。使用 Zoom Engine,您可以訪問一組有效的放大方法,包括一種獨特而智慧的方法,稱為 CZ2,以實現看起來清晰而詳細的放大,甚至從非常小的圖像或品質差的放大開始! 以下是 "縮放引擎的一些主要功能: * 獲得高品質的放大與最後一種方法CZ2。 * "視窗 sinc" 方法 (布萊克曼和蘭佐斯) 與內核半徑,你希望。 * 可定製的雙立方方法! * 可用於批量處理。 * 支援 16 位元模式。 * 具有預覽,以便您可以比較結果。 * 使用方便。


  • 版本 1.0 發佈於 2005-11-24



Zoom Engine is a shareware. You may freely download the plugin and try it while in DEMO mode. Distribution is allowed only for DEMO version and if you don't alter the zip file "zoomengine.zip" you got from the website www.mehdiplugins.com. In DEMO mode, there's no times limit, and all features are enabled. However in DEMO mode, the plugin will draw thick black diagonals over the picture when you press OK (which is not the case for the full version). Upon registering you will receive by email a PERSONALIZED license file (in attachement) that you will need to make your plugin switch to FULL VERSION. If you purchase one licence/copy of our software, you are allowed to install it on one computer on which everyone can use it. But the person who owns the license is also allowed to install it on a second computer (e.g. for home use), but only the license owner is allowed to use it on the second computer and noone else. If you want a second person to use our software on a second computer, you have to purchase two copies/licenses of the software and so on. Currently, there is no floating license option. If you wish to use Zoom Engine on multiple workstations such as in a studio environment, multiple licenses are required for EACH node.