XPS Annotator 1.22

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‎使用者評分: 2.1/5 - ‎19 ‎評分

XPS 註釋器是獨一不二的獨立 XPS 查看器(不在 Microsoft Internet 資源管理器中託管),我們添加一些功能,包括註釋、文檔屬性、數位簽名、XPS 轉換器和側邊欄,以便於閱讀。 主要特點: * 允許您向 XPS 文件添加註釋或註解,以標記資訊或突出顯示感興趣的專案,供以後參考,支援添加文本註釋、墨跡註釋和突出顯示註釋。 * 可以添加文件屬性到您的XPS文檔(建立者,標識符,內容類型,標題,主題,描述,關鍵字,語言,類別),此功能將説明您輕鬆管理您的XPS文檔。 * 能夠將XPS文檔轉換為圖像檔,如PNG,JPEG,BMP,GIF和TIFF。 * 內置側邊欄,便於閱讀。側邊列包含所有頁面的縮略圖,您可以通過單擊縮略圖從一個頁面跳到另一個頁面。 * 支援安全功能,如數位簽名,以提供更高的文檔安全性。 * 支援常見操作,包括儲存複本、列印輸出、複製到剪貼簿、縮放和文本搜索。


  • 版本 1.22 發佈於 2010-02-23
  • 版本 1.1 發佈於 2009-06-03



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ========================== THIS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (LICENSE AGREEMENT) IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU (EITHER AN INDIVIDUAL OR A SINGLE ENTITY) AND DANANG PROBO SAYEKTI. THE PRODUCTS IN THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT INCLUDE COMPUTER APPLICATION SOFTWARE, PRINTED MATERIALS, AND ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS (THE PRODUCT). BY INSTALLING OR USING THE PRODUCT, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND ALL TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT LIST BY DANANG PROBO SAYEKTI. PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT, IF YOU DO NOT AGREE ANY TERM OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AS FOLLOW. SOFTWARE PRODUCT: ================= Object of this agreement is XPS Annotator (The Product). TERM OF LICENSE AGREEMENT: =========================== (1) The Product can be freely used for any personal or can be freely used for educational purposes. For work and business purposes, you are expected to give donations to us for the development of the XPS Annotator itself. (2) The Product may not be multiplied, processed or disseminated in any way without the written permit of Danang Probo Sayekti. People violating any term of this License Agreement will be prosecuted in every case. (3) The use of The Product is done at the users''s own risk. The developer have no responsibility for any damage, either direct or indirect consequence of the use of The Product. (4) All copyrights to XPS Annotator are exclusively owned by the author - Danang Probo Sayekti. LIMITATIONS: ============ (1) No Modifications. You may not modify, adapt or translate The Product. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of The Product except to the extent you may be expressly permitted under applicable law to decompile only in order to achieve interoperability with The Product. (2) Users cannot sell, rent, lease, or lend The Product to another parties. DISTRIBUTIONS: ============= The Product may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. (1) No person or company may distribute separate parts of The Product package without written permission of the copyright owner. (2) The Product may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission of the copyright owner. TERMINATION: ============ Danang Probo Sayekti may terminate this License Agreement if users fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. In such event, users have to destroy all copies of The Product and all its component parts. Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Danang Probo Sayekti. All rights reserved.