XpertMart POS Software 8

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 55.00 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

XpertMart - pos 軟體為您提供最先進的庫存軟體,用於鞋類和服裝店連鎖店。它是一個集成的POS軟體(或銷售點軟體),做收銀機做的所有事情,但更多。銷售點的所有操作都會影響庫存,並存儲並同步到主辦公室系統。 XpertMart - 庫存軟體可為您提供對庫存的完全控制。我們的庫存軟體是在我們的銷售點軟體中構建的。保留每個移移或移出庫存的物料的庫存審核日誌。使用 XpertMart 時,您的庫存的準確性永遠不會有疑問。XpertMart 包括基於銷售歷史記錄設置理想最小庫存和最大庫存的工具。因此,庫存管理不僅旨在跟蹤庫存中庫存情況,還確保您的庫存以最佳方式分佈在您的連鎖店中,並自動訂購所需的庫存,以在商店中保持正確的庫存,以最大限度地提高您的銷售額,同時最大限度地減少庫存投資。


  • 版本 8 發佈於 2005-08-02



This download is completely free of charge. We trust that by using our software you will appreciate all the advantages it has to offer-- much more than you would by reading our sales brochures and technical documents. You are free to use the software for a trial period of 60 days. After that, if you like our software, you will need to purchase a License to continue using XpertMart. Note that the version of XpertMart you are about to download is the Single Store Edition. To be able to transfer inventory and exchange data between stores you will need to buy our Multi-Store Edition.