World Geography Tutor 1.9

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 2.45 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

隨著現代通信技術的一年比一年縮小,晚間新聞將曾經異國他鄉的名字帶進我們的生活——像亞塞拜然、吉布地、土庫曼和塞拉利昂。不幸的是,多年的教育使我們許多人對世界各國只有朦朧的瞭解。 輸入世界地理導師。現在,您可以通過經過驗證的快速學習界面學習亞洲、非洲和歐洲、南美洲和中美洲以及美國各州。在短短的幾次會談中,您將在地圖上建立掌握,並形成塑造我們全球文明的政治邊界的清晰心理圖。 當談話轉向世界事件的地理時, 沒有必要大聲疾呼。記住,理解需要知識。有了世界地理導師,你將永遠是世界之一。 額外功能包括:可配置測驗長度;自動記分;可選此資訊視窗,顯示您探索時每個國家或州的重要統計數據;有趣和翔實的歐洲和非洲國旗測驗。


  • 版本 1.9 發佈於 2010-07-10
  • 版本 1.8 發佈於 2010-02-25
  • 版本 1.8 發佈於 2010-01-31
    完整的 Windows 7 相容性,更新的地理資料,修訂安裝程式。



The World Geography Tutor User License The following is an agreement between us (AHA! Software Inc.), the author and publisher of World Geography Tutor, and you, its user. If you are not willing to abide by the terms of this agreement, you must not install the program, and must remove from your computer any files extracted from the distribution archive. You may use the evaluation version of World Geography Tutor as long as you choose. There are no time limits. However, not all features of the software are available in the evaluation version. Upon registration you will receive a code that can be used to convert the evaluation version of World Geography Tutor to the full registered version, with all parts of the software permanently enabled. The evaluation version of World Geography Tutor prominently announces itself as such each time the program is run. Until you have purchased a registration code for World Geography Tutor, the evaluation version is the only version you may legally possess. You are allowed and encouraged to give the evaluation version of World Geography Tutor to other individuals, provided that you give them the entire contents of the archive you downloaded (or otherwise obtained), with no files removed, added or modified. You may repackage the archive onto floppy disks as long as the contents remain intact as just stipulated. You are also allowed and encouraged to upload the original archive, exactly in the form you yourself obtained it, to a bulletin board service or other software library. You are also allowed and encouraged to publish the original archive, exactly in the form you yourself obtained it, as part of a software collection on CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or the like, provided that no individual disc in the collection contains more than three programs by AHA! Software Inc., unless by explicit permission of same; and provided also that the documentation accompanying the collection clearly and prominently states that the software is for evaluation only, and that a registration fee is required in order to unlock its full capabilities. Notice of inclusion in CD-ROM and similar collections, by email or in writing, is requested but not required. You are NOT allowed to distribute any individual file or files from within the archive, or from the installed program, whether or not you have registered your copy. If you have registered the program, you must take reasonable precautions to prevent your registration code being used to operate a registered copy on more than one machine at one time. World Geography Tutor is provided "as-is". No warranties of any kind, express or implied, are made as to it or any medium it may be on. AHA! Software Inc. will provide no remedy for indirect, consequential, punitive or incidental damages arising from it, including such from negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty or contract, even after notice of the possibility of such damages.