WMD SWAG PalmOS Bundle 1.2

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.29 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

WMD SWAG 快速分析你在災難現場的觀測結果,並快速、科學地猜測最有可能涉及哪些大規模破壞劑。注:上面的試用下載包含 ZIP 壓縮格式的 Windows 和手持版本。只需要手持版本檔的 MAC 使用者應聯繫[email protected] 要註冊,請安裝試用版,然後從 Arkansoft 購買重新安裝密鑰。 提供手持版和 Windows 版本。兩個版本通過雙向 HotSync 管道共用相同的數據檔。 只需在您觀察到的任何條件旁邊標記複選框,然後查看結果螢幕,以便立即列出可能涉及的代理。 可選地,命名、日期和保存您的觀察結果,以及有關您所看到的注意事項。 自動帽功能在輸入時大寫工作,因此您不必處理切換案例。 手持版通過紅外埠或串行電纜列印報告。Windows 版本生成報表,您可以通過 Microsoft Word 或任何文字處理器進行編輯/列印。 另見BioChem1stRespondER,一個包含30種細菌和化學武器的資料庫,列出了推薦的急救、藥物、劑量、實驗室測試等。手持式 BioChem 與掌上型 WMD SWAG 整合。在 WMD SWAG 和 BioChem 之間快速來回跳躍,無需透過手持設備的主菜單。


  • 版本 1.2 發佈於 2004-08-22


  • 軟體分類: 業務 > 其他
  • 發佈者: arkansoft
  • 軟體性質: 免費試用
  • 價格: $39.95
  • 版本: 1.2
  • 作業系統: windows


Software End User License Agreement By installing this software, you agree to the following terms of this Agreement. If for any reason you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement please cancel the installation of the software at once. GRANT OF RIGHTS The Software, and its documentation, is protected by copyright laws and international treaty and is a proprietary product of Arkansoft. Arkansoft grants you the right to copy the Software to a single personal computer and to a single Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) handheld computer. If this Software is an upgrade from a pervious version of an Arkansoft product, you may utilize either the current or prior version of the Software, but never both at the same time. You may not share either the current or a prior version of the Software with any other person. This Agreement supersedes any prior version license and governs your use of the Software. The Software is considered "in use" when any portion of the Software is loaded in memory or loaded in virtual memory, or stored on a hard disk or other storage device. You may not copy the program documentation by any means. RESTRICTIONS You may not rent, lease, or transfer the Software without written permission of Arkansoft. You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, copy, create a derivative work, or otherwise use the Software except as stated in this Agreement. LIMITED WARRANTY/LIMITATION OF LIABILITY This Software is licensed AS IS and has been proven to function properly on Windows-based computers and OS-compatible handheld computers. These warranties are in lieu of any other warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Arkansoft be liable to you for damages, including any loss of profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use of or inability to use the Software, even if Arkansoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow excluding or limiting implied warranties or limiting liability for incidental or consequential damages, and some jurisdictions have special statutory consumer protection provisions that may supersede this limitation. As a result, this limitation of liability may not apply to you if prohibited by laws of your jurisdiction. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable, then that provision shall be severed from this Agreement and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arkansas. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS This Software and any accompanying materials are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Contractor/manufacturer is ARSOFT, L.L.C., 301 Country Club Road, Suite A, Pocahontas AR 72455, USA.