Windsty DiskCleaner 8.4

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 953.52 KB
‎使用者評分: 3.3/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

每天在電腦上運行的程式都會創建臨時和過時的檔,並把它們留在硬碟上。這些垃圾檔會隨著時間的推移而積累,佔用寶貴的硬碟空間並降低系統性能。 Windsty DiskCleaner 是一個屢獲殊榮的軟體,可對系統進行深入分析,識別硬碟上的垃圾檔和資料夾,並以方便的方式顯示結果。結果包括垃圾檔和資料夾,並說明它們為什麼是垃圾。您可以手動或自動刪除垃圾檔。 風盤清潔器可識別 50 多種過時和垃圾檔。使用磁碟清理器後,您將有更多的磁碟空間可供您使用,因此您可以安裝更多的程式和遊戲,有更多的音樂和視頻,你會驚奇地發現您的電腦將工作得更快。 主要特點: - 識別超過 50 種不同類型的垃圾檔 - 釋放硬碟上的寶貴空間 - 加快硬碟搜索性能 - 運行速度比班上其他人快得多 - 提高 Windows 速度 - 這是互聯網上最流行的註冊錶清理器之一 立即運行免費掃描!兩分鐘的掃描,你會驚訝於你有多少垃圾檔,需要大量的空間。


  • 版本 8.4 發佈於 2009-09-14



END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THIS SOFTWARE Important - read carefully: License Agreement for Windsty DiskCleaner -------------------------------------- This license is a legal agreement between you and the author of Windsty DiskCleaner. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement. Evaluation and Registration --------------------------- You are permitted to use this software with functional limitations as long as you wish. However, to receive fully functional version and technical support you must register your copy of Windsty DiskCleaner. Each registration fee covers the use of one copy of this software to be used by one user at a time. Distribution ------------ This software may be distributed freely on online services, bulletin boards, or other electronic media as long as the files are distributed in their unmodified entirety. Disclaimer ---------- No warranty is made with respect of the software, its quality, performance, or fitness for any particular purpose. The software is supplied 'as is'. No responsibility will be accepted for any errors produced or the consequences of any erroneous results. Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Windsty, Inc. [email protected]