WindStation 1.0.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 606.21 KB
‎使用者評分: 4.4/5 - ‎5 ‎評分

風力發電站是一種在複雜地形上模擬風的軟體。它是一個納維爾-斯托克斯解算器,結合了k-e湍流模型和壁函數。它採用作為氣象站的輸入讀數或邊界圖層剖面地形高程應以 Ascii Arcview 檔格式提供。後處理功能包括向量顯示和著色輪廓。資料可以匯出在文字檔中。


  • 版本 1.0.0 發佈於 2008-03-22



WindStation (referred as Software) is Copyright by Antonio Gameiro Lopes (Author). All rights not specifically granted in this documentation are reserved. It is strictly prohibited to alter the program and likewise to add or delete files. This product and/or license is provided as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any representations or endorsements regarding the use of, the results of, or performance of the product, its appropriateness, accuracy, reliability, or correctness. The Author declares that, to his knowledge, the physical models and numerical methods are correctly implemented in the Software. Although every effort was, and will be done in order to correct the Software for any bug, the Author cannot guarantee that the Software will correctly work under every circumstances. The user and/or licensee assume the entire risk as to the use of this product. The Author does not assume liability for the use of this product beyond the original purchase price of the Software. In no event will the Author be liable for additional direct or indirect damages including any loss of profits or other incidental or consequential damages arising from any defects, or the use or inability to use the Software. Each purchased license is valid for the installation of the Software in one PC. After the purchase, the Author gives the client a License number, after receiving from the client the necessary information about the installation PC (Machine and Evaluation ID). The client can transfer the License from one PC to other PC, using specific software supplied by the Author (upon request). If the Client suspects that the Software License may become invalid, it is his responsibility to transfer the license to another computer before changing any hardware. In any case the Author is obliged to supply a replacement license in the case the Software License becomes no longer valid (formatting of the PC, changing the hard disk, motherboard, etc). The purchased license is perpetual: The client does not have to pay any annual fee or other fees after the purchase. The purchased license is also valid for every upgrades of the Software.