WIDI Recognition System Professional 4.03

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‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

WIDI識別系統是一個復調音訊到MDI轉換器與先進的MDI編輯器。該程式的主要功能是將音訊檔轉錄到 MIDI 中,然後説明快速高效地重新排列轉換的檔。該程式識別CD軌道,MP3和波檔,並在幾秒鐘內自動產生復調MIC檔。此外,WIDI識別系統能夠轉換音樂在飛行,你唱歌或演奏樂器。WIDI 的創新識別演算法保證了有史以來最好的轉換品質。 WIDI 設計用於從音訊檔檢索音樂符號、練習或教授音樂或為手機創建鈴聲。 TrueTone 編輯器是 WIDI 識別系統專業版中的工具,它允許用戶透過光譜圖峰值與註釋的可視化比較來更正自動識別的結果。一旦發生任何更改,分數查看器會自動顯示 MIDI 資料。用戶擁有添加和刪除音符、調整音高和持續時間以及啟用播放(包括與源音訊檔同步播放)的選項。為了提高分數可讀性,TrueTone 編輯器管理條線,以便於定位、在視覺模式下添加或刪除,或者可以使用攻絲工具,按耳朵排列條形線。新的編輯器還具有節省時間的功能,如多重選擇,因此一組註釋的屬性可以同時全部調整,並注意映射,以便快速導航。 WIDI 支援不同類型的音樂的識別預設,由使用者預定義或創建。識別精靈將説明您在初始啟動後幾分鐘內獲得第一個結果,同時使您熟悉程式。 無論您是業餘愛好者還是專業人士,WIDI 識別系統都將説明您抄寫或重新排列音樂作品。 現在獲取您的新副本: http://www.widisoft.com



License Agreement BEFORE YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE, CAREFULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND ARE BECOMING A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. All copyrights to the WIDI Recognition System (referred to as the Software) are exclusively owned by WIDISOFT Company (hereafter referred to as WIDISOFT). WIDISOFT permits you use the Software conditioned on your acceptance of the following terms. You may freely distribute unregistered trial version of the Software, providing the distribution package not modified in any way. You may not reverse-compile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or use any other method to convert the Software into a human-readable form, nor may you allow another person to do so. It is supposed that you will thoroughly evaluate the Software usefulness and functionality during 14-day trial period before making a purchase. This "try before you buy" approach is the ultimate guarantee that the Software will satisfy your needs. Therefore you understand and agree that there is no refunds available for any purchase of the Software. If you are a registered user, you are entitled to use the Software for your own tasks. You may not sell, rent or lease neither registered version of the Software nor your personal registration information to others without written permission of WIDISOFT. You may use only one copy of the Software at one time. You may not use this Software on a network or on more than one computer at the same time without a license for "concurrent use". The license and right for the use of this Software does not include the right to create, generate, encode or otherwise modify data or bit streams: - to be used, sold, published, distributed, disposed of or otherwise marketed via pre-recorded media, such as but not limited to CD-ROM, magnetic tapes, memory cards and the like; - to be used, sold, reproduced, published, distributed, disposed of or otherwise marketed via any kind of network, if a user will have to pay a monetary or equivalent compensation for the access, copying etc. of such data or bit stream; - for the purpose of broadcast and/or radio and/or multicast service transmission such as but not limited to "Internet Radio" and the like. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WIDISOFT IS NOT OBLIGATED TO PROVIDE ANY UPDATES, UPGRADES OR TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WIDISOFT WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, LOST REVENUES OR LOST DATA ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THE SOFTWARE OR THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF WIDISOFT HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.