Whitenoise Computer File Security 5.0

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‎使用者評分: 2.9/5 - ‎9 ‎評分

SCM 維琪洩漏是如何發生的?心懷不滿的員工會使用 USB 快閃記憶體驅動器,並複製伺服器外受限制的檔,因為沒有足夠的安全網路。防止維琪洩漏方案並創建安全網路只需要三件事: 1. 安全網路訪問。登錄到網路的所有使用者都通過執行動態身份驗證和身份驗證 (DIVA) 的 UNIQUE 密鑰進行標識。2. 安全數據傳輸。所有數據傳輸都處於加密狀態。安全文件交換 2 (SFI) 建立了動態分散式密鑰基礎結構 (DDKI) 框架。3. 保護數據存儲。所有數據都使用與使用者名稱和密碼相關的密鑰自動唯一加密,並保存在特定到該使用者處於加密狀態的「虛擬容器」中。Whitenoise 以最簡單的方式確保 100% 的網路安全,以安裝、學習和使用。數據始終受基於 UNIQUE 標識的加密保護,因此在傳輸和存儲中始終是安全的。在未經授權的嘗試存取檔或功能時,IND,INSD 檢測會立即識別 DIVA 未同步,並且透過自動撤銷網路存取該金鑰來自動自我保護。Whitenoise 的解決方案可擴展、可互通,可與任何類型的網路一起使用。保護網路所需的三個應用程式可以集成到 ONE 管理控制台中。設置員工的電腦並確定他們可以看到和訪問的檔/資料夾/應用程式由系統管理員通過正常的 Windows 作業系統介面輕鬆完成。學習和執行完整的系統管理和完整的安全網路設置和密鑰分發大約需要兩個小時。在網路訪問和登錄上安全單簽名很簡單,不需要對員工進行培訓。系統管理員始終可以恢復數據。


  • 版本 4.0 發佈於 2006-06-12
  • 版本 5.0 發佈於 2006-06-12
    2011 年總決賽入圍者全球安全挑戰 - 提交給聯合國國際電聯 - 白宮 OSTP - 授予的國際專利和出口許可證 - 安全雲計算 - 防止維琪洩漏方案 - 適用於任何現有的網路安全應用程式。



Licenses are available for the deployment of Whitenoise and Dynamic Identity Verification and Authorization in third party products. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT WHITENOISE LABORATORIES (Canada) INC.("WNL") GRANTS YOU A LICENSE AS FOLLOWS TO THE "WHITENOISE" PROGRAM: 1. LICENSE. WNL grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license for the "WHITENOISE" program (the "Program") including Whitenoise Personal File Security, Whitenoise Personal File Security, Whitenoise Network File Security, Gateway Authentication serve, all trial software, all associated Whitenoise utilities and its associated documentation, subject to all of the following terms and conditions: a. to use the Program on a single computer; b. to make copies of the Program for back-up purposes; 2. LIMITATIONS ON LICENSE. a. WNL owns the Program and its associated documentation and all copyrights therein. You may only use the Program as expressly provided for in this Agreement. 3. NO WNL OBLIGATION. WNL shall have no obligation to provide maintenance, support, upgrades or new releases to you. 4. NO WARRANTY OF PERFORMANCE. THE PROGRAM AND ITS ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION ARE LICENSED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY AS TO THEIR PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS ASSUMED BY YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED FOR HEREINUNDER, NEITHER WNL NOR ANY OTHER PERSON WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THE PROGRAM SHALL BE LIABLE TO YOU OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF WNL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 6. GENERAL a. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the province of British Columbia, Canada. The courts of British Columbia shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising hereunder. b. Address all correspondence regarding this license to WNL's email address as follows: [email protected] .