TaskRun 2016.4

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 9.19 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.6/5 - ‎5 ‎評分

釋放你的時間,簡化你的生活。使用每周日曆規劃器計劃下周 組織你的日常任務可以減輕壓力,導致更多的空閑時間和更多的幸福在你的生活中。使您更容易記錄和分析您的未來一周。 輕鬆輸入資料: 你的一周計劃在單頁。只需選擇正確的列和類型。未完成的專案可以劃掉,刪除複製和粘貼到第二天,就像使用記事本一樣簡單。 為什麼選擇快閃記憶體卡? 每周規劃器允許您每天在 3x5 索引卡上單獨列印。這使得照顧你的事件清單很容易。快閃記憶體卡比 ipod 更薄,靈活,適合您的口袋,最終是一次性的。如果需要在白天將東西添加到清單中,只需用筆書寫。 易於列印 每周規劃器設計用於在快閃記憶體卡或 3x5 索引卡上列印。快閃記憶體卡的包可以在美元商店或沃爾瑪購買。大多數印表機支援在快閃記憶體卡上列印。只需將快閃記憶體卡插入印表機,然後單擊列印。每周計劃員還支援在普通紙上列印。印刷的紙張很容易放在你的手或口袋裡。 項目規劃 每周規劃師也旨在幫助您承擔生活中的大專案。每個專案可以有一個日曆、一個清單、一個用於跟蹤金錢的資產負債表和一個用於跟蹤所花費的時間的時間跟蹤器。專案還可以獲取自己的文件目錄,您可以在其中保留相關文件。 飲食與健康: 該計劃配備了許多工具,以改善你的健康。 卡路里跟蹤器:使用 5000+ 食物資料庫計算您的每日熱量攝入量。 鍛煉:規劃和跟蹤您的鍛煉計劃。 健康:跟蹤血壓、睡眠模式和醫生預約



WEEKLY PLANNER LICENSE AGREEMENT BY INSTALLING OR USING THE WEEKLY PLANNER SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF OR THE ENTITY YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU OR SUCH ENTITY ARE BOUND BY, AND A PARTY TO, THIS AGREEMENT AS THE "LICENSEE." IF YOU OR THE ENTITY YOU REPRESENT DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST YOU MUST NOT INSTALL OR USE THE WEEKLY PLANNER SOFTWARE, AND YOU OR THE ENTITY YOU REPRESENT, DO NOT BECOME A LICENSEE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. WEEKLY PLANNER SOFTWARE LICENSE: 1) GRANT OF LICENSE: SEAAPPLE SOFTWARE grants you a single, non-exclusive license to use the WEEKLY PLANNER provided you agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Only one user is authorized to use the WEEKLY PLANNER on one computer at a time (and not by more than one individual via a network). 2) OTHER RESTRICTIONS: You acknowledge that you do not become the owner of the WEEKLY PLANNER (software, programs and/or documentation). You agree not to transfer, rent,lease, sub-license, reverse engineer, modify, translate, or share the WEEKLY PLANNER, diskettes, or manual with any other person or firm. 3) LIMITED WARRANTY: While we have attempted to ensure the reliability of the WEEKLY PLANNER, SEAAPPLE SOFTWARE cannot assume any liability for damage that occurs because of usage of this program, whether or not in accordance with the instructions or specifications. It is not possible to guarantee the program's performance under all circumstances, at all times, with all hardware and software configurations, and with any user data, programs, or series of commands. SEAAPPLE SOFTWARE warrants the diskette media and manual to be free from defects in materials or manufacture for a period of 30 days from your receipt. When you open this package or use the WEEKLY PLANNER you indicate you accept this as the only warranty. You agree that regardless of the form of any claim, SEAAPPLE SOFTWARE's liability for any damages or loss to you or anyone else shall not exceed the price paid for use of the program. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. Except for the warranty described in the above paragraph, there are no warranties expressed or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and all such warranties are expressly and specifically disclaimed. 4) NO LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: In no event shall SEAAPPLE SOFTWARE or its suppliers, if any, be responsible for any special, incidental or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, business interruption, loss of information, or any other loss) arising out of the use or the inability to use this product, even if SEAAPPLE SOFTWARE has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. 5) All content and information provided by the WEEKLY PLANNER is not a substitute for a doctors medical advice. Consult your doctor first before following any diet, advice or recommendation made by WEEKLY PLANNER software. Use WEEKLY PLANNER software for informational purposes only. Software License Agreement (c) SEAAPPLE Software - All Rights Reserved