Warren Software's TerminatorX Home Edition 1.001

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.32 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

在家庭電腦和小(3個使用者或更少)網路 - 阻止KaZaA,阻止MSN信使,阻止好友,阻止雅虎信使,阻止AOL信使,阻止即時通訊, 塊莫菲斯, 塊信使, 塊 imesh, 塊石灰線, 塊 Grokster, 塊聊天, 阻止在線遊戲, 塊特裡利安, 塊阿瑞斯, 塊模糊, 塊熊共用, 塊直接連接, 塊 edonkey, 塊 Winex, 塊 Yaga, 塊 Windows 信使, 塊 irc, 塊 mirc, 塊 Icq, 塊 Msn 聊天, 阻止真正的玩家, 雅虎! 遊戲。 事實上,TerminatorX 可以定製,以選擇性地阻止幾乎任何程式。您可以通過阻止聊天室和信使程式來幫助保護您的孩子免受傷害。您還可以消除使用 Kazaa 等程式從孩子那裡非法下載的起訴風險。 您可以為每個人設置一組不同的阻止程式,也可以為每個人設置相同的程式集。 違規的應用程式只是從螢幕上消失。


  • 版本 1.001 發佈於 2003-07-24



License 1. You may use the full version program on up to 3 users on a single site over a single local area network. 2. You may only make copies of the program such as are required to fulfil the requirements in 1. above. 3. This product is copyrighted, and all rights therein are reserved for Warren Software (UK). 4. Purchasing the product does not confer or transfer any right, title, or interest in the program except as detailed in this agreement. 5. This licence remains effective until terminated. To terminate it you must destroy the program and all copies of it. 6. This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either implied or expressed. 7. In no event shall Warren Software be held liable for any loss of profit either incidental or consequential, or other similar claims or actions.