專業圖示提出他們的大二首次亮相,他們瘋狂流行的醫療圖示集合為WindowsXP。現在兩年後,Window Vista 已經站穩了腳跟,促使這個全新的 Vista 風格圖示版。您可以找到 PNG、ICO、GIF、ICNS、JPG 和 BMP 等格式。您是否銷售針對醫療產業的基於桌面、Web 或 PDA 的應用程式?這整個館藏涵蓋以醫療保健為中心的廣泛專業領域,包括:放射學、家庭實踐、耳鼻喉喉等,而不是對通用圖書館進行排序。這些圖像都採用一致的視角和顏色設計,使您的客戶能夠體驗到純粹的視覺享受,並藉助更專業的介面,讓您的公司獲得更高的可信度。此圖示集的外觀旨在補充現有的 Vista 圖示和視窗檢視樣式介面。增強UI控制項(樹視圖、工具列等)和下拉菜單,這兩個功能表都可齊頭並進地創建已完成的外觀。不要被競爭對手拋在後面,他們已經採取行動,使其軟體和相關服務的外觀現代化。
- 版本 1.0 發佈於 2008-06-16
- 軟體分類: 桌面 > 圖示
- 發佈者: Professional-Icons
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $149.00
- 版本: 1.0
- 作業系統: windows
You may modify the images and use them in your own applications, websites, and digital media subject to the following terms and conditions: Type of License: You will receive a "site license". This entitles "one company" at "one location" to use the icons purchased in any number of projects, subject to the terms of this agreement. No transfer of ownership: You may not lease, resell, license, or sub-license the images, or a subset thereof, to any third party. This also applies to any derived artwork or modified images from the Professional-Icons.com icon collections. The images may not be used to sell or otherwise promote image collections that compete directly with Professional-Icons.com. You may not grant or otherwise make available for use the images in their original or modified forms. No royalty fees: Once you have purchased a license, there are no royalty fees. This means you can use the images in your software and design projects without having to pay additional licensing fees. Creating applications for clients: You may create software applications or websites on behalf of a client, as long as the client does not modify and resell the application or website. If the client is engaged in joint development or intends to modify the icons or use them for other purposes, an additional license must be purchased from Professional-Icons.com. Distributing the images: All distributed images must be "in use" by the distributed application or website. You may not include the collection to "add value" to your product or service. Care should be taken to protect the artwork and/or derived artworks from being copied and/or obtained by a third party. If you are distributing a website, we understand that there is no way to compile the images into a DLL or resource library. This is acceptable as long as the other terms are met. Disclaimer: All stock icons are provided "as is" without warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. By purchasing any of these collections you agree to hold Professional-Icons.com harmless for any result that may occur during the course of using the images.