如果您是軟體開發人員,我們的自訂虛擬印表機 SDK 將協助您執行以下操作: 從程式(或用於生成列印表單的任何其他軟體應用程式)以標準柵格或向量格式的形式生成輸出。 支援的輸出格式: - EMF。 - PDF。 - TIFF 與各種壓縮選項,包括 CCITT 傳真壓縮。虛擬印表機還支援特殊的傳真解析度,如 204x98 和 204x196 DPI。 - JPEG, BMP, PNG。 - 不同編碼的純文字 (ANSI、 UTF-8 或 Unicode) 將列印作業重定向到另一台印表機。因此,在將文件發送到印表機時,可以將其保存為所選格式(PDF、BMP、JPEG、TIFF、PNG、TXT),並同時在物理印表機上以紙質形式列印。 在發送虛擬列印的文件進行實際列印之前,請修改該文檔。 從其他應用程式導入文檔。使用 EMF 格式,可以將導入的文件轉換為您的格式。 虛擬印表機支援高達 33x46" 的各種解析度(從 100 到 2400 DPI)的自定義紙張尺寸以及多語言介面。您將獲得一台印表機,其中包含您選擇的名稱、驅動程式安裝和卸載模組以及與範例的集成說明。購買虛擬印表機時支付的費用是您唯一的費用。我們不收取任何連續版稅。您可以將印表機與應用程式一起使用,無需支付任何額外費用。我們將進行所有其他定製,以確保印表機完全符合您的要求。源代碼也可供購買。其許可證允許修改代碼。
- 版本 10 發佈於 2014-11-20
修復了運行時提取的性能問題;禁用圖形格式 JPEG、PNG、TIFF、BMP 時,修復了轉換的性能問題;EMF 到 TEXT 轉換器得到了改進;修復了具有 CMAP 類型 4 的嵌入式字體的問題;橫向頁面方向的固定浮浮水印功能,... - 版本 7.1 發佈於 2011-09-16
用於 emf2bmp/jpeg/png/單 tiff 的新多線程轉換器,性能提升高達 250%;新的 emf2txt 轉換器與更好的文字格式;新型水印發動機,控制方便,性能提升高達300%;添加了新的通信功能 - 使用管道。
- 軟體分類: 發展 > 活動 X
- 發佈者: Two Pilots
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $1190.00
- 版本: 10
- 作業系統: windows
Agreement Two Pilots ("Two Pilots") provides Two Pilots Demo Printer virtual printer driver ("Software") for Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista, and optionally purchased source code ("Source Code"), and licenses its use for you ("Customer"). Customer agrees to all the terms and conditions of this agreement. License Grant Two Pilots hereby grants to Customer a non exclusive License to use Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. Copyright This Software is protected by Russian Federation Copyright Law. Two Pilots retains ownership of Software. Two Pilots owns title and copyright to Software and accompanying documentation just as any copies made by Customer. Unauthorized copying of Software or the documentation will result in automatic termination of this license. Two Pilots is the lawful owner or licensee of the Software, and Two Pilots has all rights necessary to grant Customer the rights set forth in this Agreement, without violation or infringement of the rights of third-parties. In particular, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the License and Customer's use of the Software in accordance with this Agreement does not infringe upon any other patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, service mark, or trade name of any third-party. Entire Agreement This document constitutes the entire agreement between Two Pilots and Customer and may only be modified by a written document signed by both parties. Neither Two Pilots nor Customer is bound by any oral agreement or presentation. I. Terms and Conditions A. Software Source Code is trade secret. It is confidential and cannot be published in any format or media without prior written consent of Two Pilots. B. Customer may not lease, rent, or resell Software or Source Code or any derivative product without prior written agreement of Two Pilots. C. Two Pilots authorizes Customer to make archival copies of Software Source Code for the sole purpose of backing up Software. All other copying of Software Source Code is prohibited. All copies permitted to be made by this agreement must bear the following notice: "Copyright 1999-2006 Two Pilots. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use, duplication or distribution strictly prohibited by Federal Law." D. Runtime Distribution License. Two Pilots grants Customer a royalty-free right to distribute and incorporate the Software with applications Customer has developed. The Software may not be distributed for any other purpose than to accompany or be incorporated into applications that Customer has developed. Customer may use the Software in Customer's specific purpose application programs, in which case Two Pilots grants Customer permission under Two Pilots's copyright to use, give away or sell such programs without additional license fees, as long as all copies of these programs bear a valid copyright notice and provided that Customer's program is not a development tool or development library which includes all or a portion of the Software. This permission is granted solely for the purpose set forth above, and Customer is not authorized to use the Software in any other manner. E. Two Pilots does not authorize customer to distribute Software Source Code. F. Two Pilots reserves the right to modify Software without regard to Customer's own modifications or usage. II. Limited Warranty A. TWO PILOTS MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR LAW, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Two Pilots DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. B. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT ALL WARRANTIES ARE IMMEDIATELY NULL AND VOID IN THE EVENT OF MODIFICATION OR ALTERATION OF SOFTWARE. III. Limitation of Liability NOTWITHSTANDING THE FORM (E.G. CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) IN WHICH ANY LEGAL OR EQUITABLE ACTION MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST TWO PILOTS, TWO PILOTS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES WHICH EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE LICENSE FEES PAID BY CU PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL TWO PILOTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, WHETHER ARISING FROM TORT OR CONTRACT, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, LOST PROFITS, COST OF COVER OR OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY EVEN IF TWO PILOTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE LICENSE FEE REFLECTS THIS ALLOCATION OF RISK. IV. Governing Law This Agreement will be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws of Russian Federation. All trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.