Virtins Sound Card Oscilloscope 3.7

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 91.72 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.3/5 - ‎10 ‎評分

VIRTINS聲卡示波器是一款功能強大的基於PC的虛擬儀器軟體。與市場上大多數在數據收集后搜索觸發事件的音效卡示波器不同,它具有專門設計的數據採集方法,能夠在收集數據框之前連續監控輸入信號,而不會丟失任何觸發事件。因此,VIRTINS聲卡示波器具有非常快速的螢幕刷新率(通常為50幀/秒),因此具有真正的實時回應。它支援複雜的觸發方法,包括預觸發和后觸發,這些方法通常在其他基於音效卡的儀器中缺失。VIRTINS 聲卡示波器,具有現代數位儲存示波器的所有功能, 提供四種類型的視圖:(1) 通道 A 的即時波形顯示和通道 B. (2) 通道 A = 通道 B 的即時波形顯示; (3) 通道 A 的即時波形顯示 - 通道 B. (4) 通道 A x 通道 B (5) 通道 A 和通道 B 的即時 Lissajous 模式顯示。支援各種數位濾波器。它是 VIRTINS 多儀器的一部分。


  • 版本 3.7 發佈於 2017-06-16



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT Please take a moment to read the END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT. Use of this software constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions and your agreement to abide by them. This software is protected by copyright laws, trademark and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. This software product is licensed, not sold. You may evaluate the software for continuous 21 days, after which the functionalities will be disabled. You need an activation code (softkey) to unlock the software for permanent use. Each individual user, company, agency or institution that uses this software has to pay the license fee, one per each computer on which the software is used. A softkey will be given to you after you purchase the software and register it with your computer's Site Code and Machine ID (MID), which are indicated to you when you run the trial software. The softkey provided to you can only unlock the software on the licensed computer from where the regitered Site Code and MID are obtained. Optionally, one (and only one) hardware key (hardkey) can be purchased for each license of the software as an alternative means to unlock the software. Unlike the softkey, the hardkey can unlock the software on any computer to which the hardkey is attached. The hardkey must be present and remain at that computer when the software is running. You may install the software on multiple computers, but you can use only one at any time with the hardkey. If the hardkey is lost, a purchase of a replacement hardkey equal to the price of the software plus the cost of the hardkey will be required. To prevent damage to the hardkey, do not insert or remove the hardkey from the computer while the software is running. If a hardkey is purchased, VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY guarantees the hardkey against defective materials and manufacutring defects for a period of 12 months. During this period of warranty, a replacement hardkey will be shipped to the buyer's address free of charge upon receiving and verifying the returned faulty hardkey. The Warranty is only applicable to the original buyer and shall not be transferable. The warranty shall exclude malfunctions or damages resulting from acts of God, fire, civil unrest and/or accidents, and defects from using wrong electrical supply/voltage and/or consequential damage by negligence and/or abuse, as well as use other than in accordance with the instructions for operation. The Warranty shall immediately cease and become void if the hardkey is found to have been tampered, modified, repaired by any unauthorised person(s). Decisions by VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY on all questions relating to complaints as to defects either of workmanship or materials shall be deemed conclusive and the buyer shall agree to abide by such decisions. You may make copies of the Software for others to evaluate and therefore you have the right to reproduce the Software for evaluation purposes only but you do not have the right to issue licenses. Each registered user is entitled to free technical support for life via e-mail and phone. Software update in the same category (level) is free. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, rent or lease any part of the software as received. Any personal information disclosed to VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY as a result of registration will be held confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party for commercial or non-profit purposes. No refund is given at any time, unless authorized by VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY. You should contact us to see if you qualify. Without prejudice to any other rights, VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY may terminate this Agreement if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the software and all of its component parts. VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY does not guarantee there are no imperfections or errors in the software. In no case will VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY be responsible for personal injury, hardware and/or data damage, property damage or profit loss arising from use or inability to use the software. The user agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees, that arise or result from any loss, damage, or liability in any form. In no case shall VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY's liability exceed the license fees paid for the right to use this software. VIRTINS TECHNOLOGY reserves the right to make modifications to this Agreement at any time.