Vega: CashFlow 5.4

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 54.31 MB
‎使用者評分: 0.0/5 - ‎0 ‎評分

Vega:CashFlow 是一個簡單而有效的解決方案,旨在控制中型公司的現金流。它自動化財務規劃、當前財務控制、預測和現金流量分析。Vega:CashFlow 在中型公司和財務結構複雜的企業中都將有效。 Vega:CashFlow 可輕鬆集成到業務流程中,無論組織規模如何。 它可以改善公司在任何業務分支中運作的財務結果。 使用此軟體,您可以在最短的時間量中計劃、預測和執行當前支出控制和現金流量分析。 使用軟體產品 Vega:CashFlow 保證公司財務狀況與您的計劃的最大對應關係。 完全調整 Vega:CashFlow 軟體適應公司的財務結構是一項任務,即使是入門級專家也可以在幾個小時內完成。 在軟體 Vega 的説明下,很容易實現您的計劃:CashFlow,因為它提供了以下內容: - 使用任何必需的財務責任中心; - 在規劃期結束后,保護計劃免受未經授權的修改; - 限制使用者僅獲取必要的財務資訊; - 自動合併數據。 Vega 的網路功能:CashFlow 通過互聯網為遠端工作提供了手段,這不僅有助於確保公司所有部門進行高效合作,而且有助於讓高管從世界任何地方全面控制財務狀況。 Vega:CashFlow 是一個完全獨立的軟體產品。所有必要的軟體模組都包含在分發包中,並自動安裝。 Vega:CashFlow 意味著對公司財務前景的信心。


  • 版本 5.4 發佈於 2017-01-03
  • 版本 5.1 發佈於 2015-12-19



PROGRAM USE LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. License 1.1. License agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreement) represents terms and rules for use of this program Vega: CashFlow, (hereinafter referred to as Program). Terms of this Agreement apply to the Program itself and any text and graphic material, any documentation including documentation provided in electronic form with the Program. 1.2. Private entrepreneur or legal entity using the Program shall be considered as the Program User (hereinafter referred to as User). 1.3. When copying the Program and installing it on personal computer, User expresses its complete and unreserved acceptance of all terms of the License. 1.4. The Program can be used only subject to conditions of this License. Should User do not accept the License terms to the full extent, it has no rights to use the Program for any purposes. Use of the Program with violation (non-fulfillment) of any of the License terms is prohibited. 1.5. Program registration is required upon intention to use all Program functions without limitations (or expansion of restricted functions). 1.6. Registration of the Program and User shall be performed against payment. All information regarding payment procedure and registration can be provided on the seller's website (website address can be found in the Program, menu Help / About the Program). 1.7. Prior to installation of the Program, which is the property of Vega Expert Consulting Ltd, read carefully all the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Software is protected by copyright law and provided to you under the license in compliance with the present Agreement but not under sales terms. 1.8. By installing the Program you confirm that you have read and understood this Agreement and accept and agree for observance of the terms contained herein. This Agreement represents an entire agreement between you and Vega Expert Consulting Ltd in relation to the Program. The present Agreement shall supersede all previous agreements and arrangements which could be executed between you and Vega Expert Consulting Ltd in relation to this Program. 2. User rights 2.1. User is provided with non-exclusive and non-transferrable right to use the Program in the following ways: 2.1.1. Use of the Program for its immediate designated purpose and, therefore, copying and installation of the Program on personal computer (s) of the User. 2.1.2. User is entitled to perform installation of one Software Instance and unlimited number of client connections. The term Software Instance shall mean the following: - for network version - server side of the Software (installed on the server) installed in compliance with the License; - for local version - installed single-user local version of the Software. Client connection is an interface component which represents an application for end user (installed on User's computer upon use of network version). 2.2. User is not entitled to change trade name of the Program, change and/or delete copyright notations (copyright). 3. Limitations 3.1. Save for using in volumes and ways expressly provided for by this License at the moment of License issue, User shall not change, decompile, disassemble, decode or perform other actions towards compiled code of the Program with the purpose to receive information as for implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create emergent software products using the Program and perform (permit to perform) other use of the Program. 3.2. User is not entitled to reproduce or distribute the Program including as a part of software products collections without proper execution of the agreement. 3.3. The program cannot be rented out or provided into temporary use. 4. Responsibility under the License 4.1. The Program is provided on an as is basis. 4.2. No warranties are provided as for error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Program, compliance of the Program with User's particular purposes and no other warranties are provided if they are not expressly specified in the present License. 4.3. User shall incur personal responsibility for any direct or indirect consequences caused by use or impossibility to use the Program and/or damage caused to User and/or third parties as a result of use or impossibility to use the Program including due to possible errors or failures in the Program operation.