Unlock Administrator 2.00

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解鎖管理員是一種安全配置工具,允許系統管理員準確指定允許哪些使用者解鎖 Windows 工作站。 電腦桌面可以通過多種方式鎖定,包括從 Ctrl-Alt-Del 選單中按下「鎖定電腦」按鈕,或將 Windows 配置為在螢幕保護程式執行時自動鎖定系統。默認情況下,Windows 只允許當前使用者解鎖計算機。 管理員可以解鎖計算機;但是,當前會話將隨著該用戶啟動的所有應用程式一起關閉。 因此,任何未保存的工作將丟失。 使用者通常必須關閉系統電源以重新獲得訪問許可權。 解鎖管理員通過向系統管理員提供靈活性來指定哪些使用者可以完全解鎖計算機,以及哪些使用者可以解鎖電腦強制關閉當前會話來規避此問題。 解鎖管理員與 Microsoft 的 Windows 圖形識別和身份驗證庫 (GINA) 配合使用,並使用 Windows 的安全系統對使用者進行身份驗證,從而實現與 Windows 的無縫集成。 此外,解鎖管理員不存儲或管理用戶的密碼;Windows 授權的任何密碼策略都受生在尊重。 為了增加安全性,成功和失敗的解鎖嘗試都可以記錄為 Window 的事件,或寫入檔,留下詳細的安全跟蹤。 還可以配置解鎖管理員以防止非管理用戶解鎖管理員的工作階段,並且它還允許系統管理員準確指定誰可以配置這些設置。 程式功能: -能夠同時記錄成功和失敗的解鎖請求 -防止非管理員解鎖管理員會話的選項 -能夠將程式配置限制為選定的使用者 -支援本地和全域使用者組 -無縫集成


  • 版本 2.00 發佈於 2006-09-15



Unlock Administrator for Windows 2000/XP/2003, Evaluation Version User License Agreement PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT CAREFULLY! By installing Unlock Administrator for Windows 2000/XP/2003, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the following User License Agreement: 1. LICENSE The Evaluation Version of Unlock Administrator for Windows 2000/XP/2003 is provided at no charge for evaluation. You may redistribute it freely so long as it has not been altered by you or anyone else. If you know or suspect that the version you have obtained has been altered by you or anyone else, you must not use it on your computer. The Evaluation Version is fully functional but will only work for seven (7) days. If you wish to continue using it after that time, you can purchase a password which will unlock the time limit. Please visit http://www.e-motional.com to find out about purchase options and pricing. If you have purchased this software from e-motional.com (a division of Esm Software) or an authorized distributor, or if you have received it as a gift under the terms of this Agreement, then you are granted a license to use this software in accordance with this Agreement. You may not alter this software. You may not give the password to anyone else or use it to unlock this program on computers besides those owned by you, even if it is done so at no cost to the recipient, unless it is a gift AND you do not keep a copy on your computer. 2. COPYRIGHT All intellectual property rights in Unlock Administrator for Windows 2000/XP/2003 are owned by e-motional.com (a division of Esm Software), and are protected by International copyright laws. e-motional.com owns all copies of Unlock Administrator for Windows 2000/XP/2003. Canadian copyright laws and international treaty provisions protect Unlock Administrator for Windows 2000/XP/2003 which you must therefore treat like any other copyrighted work. However, e-motional.com gives you the right to do the following: * install this version onto one computer of which you are the primary user, and * make up to one copy of this software for backup purposes alone. 3. WARRANTY AND LIABILITY As permitted by applicable law, e-motional.com (a division of Esm Software) disclaims any warranty for Unlock Administrator for Windows 2000/XP/2003. This software and any related documentation are provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of this software remains with you. As permitted by applicable law, e-motional.com (a division of Esm Software) shall not be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of business profit, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of, or inability to use, this e-motional.com product, even if e-motional.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 4. DISTRIBUTING Anyone desiring to distribute Unlock Administrator for Windows 2000/XP/2003 for any kind of compensation must first contact e-motional.com for authorization. 5. MISCELLANEOUS The laws of the province of Quebec, Canada govern this Agreement. If this product was acquired outside the Canada, local law may apply. If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact the e-motional.com by sending a message to [email protected].