UB-04 Fill & Print NPI 1.4

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.60 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

UB-04 (CMS 1450) 表格填料軟體,允許您填寫和列印索賠表...一個簡單的介面與''説明'框,便於使用和學習,作為教程...建立完成速度樣本並清除重複項目...列印到預先購買的表單上,或列印整個表格的顏色或黑色和白色...進階印表機對齊,使用印表機校準表單...批次列印允許一鍵列印多個聲明...自動填滿第 1 行 - 22 的方塊 42 - 49...增強型匯入/匯出允許從 MS Excel 和 MS Access 匯入,以及匯出到 MS Excel、MS 存取、PDF、XML 和 MS Word,從而允許建立無條目聲明...管理安全登錄以進一步保護您的索賠檔,並通過隱私和安全增強 HIPAA 合規性...機構醫療保健索賠和醫療保險索賠的理想之選...我們的使命是提供高品質,負擔得起和可靠的表格填充軟體產品,這將提高您的索賠申請效率,並最終您的業務...我們所有的軟體產品都提供 30 天的回款保證, 包括成本升級...立即試用我們的高效、經濟、高效的軟體產品!


  • 版本 1.4 發佈於 2009-12-08
    MS 訪問和 MS Excel 匯入/匯出;安全登錄;



================================================================ UB-04 Fill & Print NPI ================================================================ 1. LICENSE AGREEMENT You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. 2. DISTRIBUTION You, the purchaser of the software, are not allowed to redistribute this software to anyone. For each user listed on the purchased license, one person, whether they be on a separate PC or thin client, is allowed to use the software. If you allow use by more persons than the number that is listed on your license you must upgrade your license by going to "Add Users To License" in the Help menu. The Site License allows use by up to one hundred persons. You are allowed to make backup copies of the software, but you are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made. The license does not grant you any other rights except expressly stated above. UB-04 Software, Inc. continues to own and retains all rights to the software. You are not allowed to sell, lease or otherwise make money from this software unless the right to do so is expressly granted to you by the written permission from UB-04 Software, Inc. 3. UPDATES Registered users may obtain free copies of each revision to the software, until their upgrade contract has expired. The expiration date of the upgrade contract is listed on the receipt. Updates are available for download by clicking Check For New Version in the Help menu. You must install all updates promptly, since product support will only be provided for the most recent version of the software, incorporating all prior updates. 4. SUPPORT Registered users are offered free customer support through electronic mail and telephone, until their support contract has expired. The expiration date of the support contract is listed on the receipt. Support is only provided for use of the program, not for filling out the UB-04/CMS 1450 form. Instructions for filling out the UB-04/CMS 1450 are included with the program, but they are only applicable to Medicare claims. There is no warranty as to the accuracy of these instructions nor a guarantee that claims abiding by them will be accepted by Medicare or other payers. Printer support and support with printer drivers must be provided by the printer manufacturer. UB-04 Software, Inc. is not liable for any problems or issues that may arise from recommended support topics or installations. 5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY This software and the accompanying files are provided "as is" and without warranties as to performance or merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. No warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. Any liability of the provider will be limited exclusively to refund of the purchase price. UB-04 Software, Inc. reserves the right to change and alter their programs and policies without prior notice. 6. RULES AND REGULATIONS By accepting, the user acknowledges the existence of and the need for the License Agreement (Rules 1 through 6 as stated above) governing use of UB-04 Software, Inc.''s software(s) and program(s). The user agrees to comply with the License Agreement as presently in effect or as they may hereafter be modified, amended or supplemented. UB-04 Software, Inc. reserves the right to modify, amend or supplement the License Agreement from time to time in its sole discretion. UB-04 Software, Inc. may terminate the user''s licenses at any time for breach of the License Agreement or generally undesirable behavior, as determined by UB-04 Software, Inc.''s in its sole discretion, and the user will not be entitled to a refund of any portion. ================================================================ © Copyright 2009 UB-04 Software, Inc. Questions? Please e-mail: [email protected] Visit us online at http://www.UB-04software.com