LUKLA TO 珠穆朗瑪峰是涵蓋尼泊爾和喜馬拉雅山主要徒步和登山地區的精彩新系列加明相容數字地圖中的第一個。TrekMap 產品安裝在PC上,用於上傳到您的GPS設備。地圖可以在 Garmin 的 MapSource(不包括)或其他相容軟體中預覽,用於路線規劃或查看。使用 MapSource 或上傳實用程式(如 cGPS 映射器的 SendMap20)上傳到您的 GPS。使用 Garmin 的旅行和航點管理器或其他相容軟體規劃您的行程。相容的 GPS 單元包括 GPS 地圖、eTrex、Quest、Rino 和 zuno 型號。 特徵: 超過 600 個可搜尋的感興趣點 (POIs),包括: - 120多個城鎮和村莊(「城市」可搜索), - 275+ 高程點, - 20+ 通行證, - 60+ 峰會, - 50個冰川和近250個湖泊, - 學校、醫院/診所、禮拜場所、機場和其他名勝地, -橋樑和其他人為物品 - 100多個雜項標記地點, - 60多個住宿區和露營地。 40m / 200m / 1000m 間隔的輪廓。 所有主要的徒步旅行路線、軌道和路徑。 河流和溪流。 國際和國家公園邊界。 請注意:地圖不可路由。 覆寫區域: E86×36.750' 至 E87×02.507',N27×37.077' 到 N28°06.052' (戈基奧峰以西至巴倫采峰,東至盧克拉以南1.7公里至珠穆朗瑪峰以北6公里處)。 城鎮/村莊包括: 盧克拉, 南切集市, 滕博切, 龐博切, 丁博切, 喬洪, 戈拉克謝普, 戈基奧。 峰會包括: 珠穆朗瑪峰, 洛采, 努普采, 普莫里, 巴倫采, 阿瑪達布拉姆, 康特加, 峰 41, 庫蘇姆康古魯, 塔博切峰, 島峰, 康忠峰. 地圖的一個小樣本區域可從 免費下載,用於在購買完整產品之前對是否有任何疑問進行細讀和相容性檢查。包括完整的安裝說明。
- 版本 1.1.1 發佈於 2009-02-09
- 軟體分類: 首頁 + 愛好 > 娛樂
- 發佈者: Mountain Stream Software
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $34.00
- 版本: 1.1.1
- 作業系統: windows
TrekMapGPS Lukla to Everest Licence Agreement IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS DO NOT INSTALL THE SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, YOU ARE INDICATING YOUR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. These Conditions relate to "TrekMapGPS - Lukla to Everest" (the Product), including both the software and the mapping data contained therein. The Product is not Shareware and remains the property of the Author. The Product may not be copied, redistributed, resold or altered in any way without the written permission of the Author. The Product is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The Author further disclaims all implied warranties including any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. You acknowledge that no representation or warranty has been made by the Author as to the performance or functionability of the Product or as to the suitability of the Product for your purposes. The entire risk arising out of the use of the Product remains with the user. In no event shall the Author or anyone involved in the creation, documentation or sale of the Product be liable for any damages whatsoever. The product may not be obtained or used in any state or country that does not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages. The Product is intended solely as an aid to navigation. By installing and/or using it, you understand and acknowledge that navigation requires the application of sound judgment and expertise in the process of integrating navigational information from all available sources. The Product should never be used as the sole source of information for navigation. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in the Product, but no warranty is given or implied that the information is accurate, complete or suited to any specific purpose.