Travellers Dream Hunter 2.03.84

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‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

選擇合適的價格度假。我怎樣才能節省雄鹿,錢,$$$為我的夢想之旅? 什麼時候將是最好的交易,最便宜的價格,最低的價格去拉斯維加斯,巴哈馬,巴巴多斯,加勒比,歐洲,法國,或任何地方? Expedia, 旅行, Itravel2000, 價格線, Orbitz, Escapenow,。誰提供最好的交易?他們什麼時候提供最好的交易? 我有一個固定的假期時程表,什麼時候是最合適的時間下訂單? 我只想不停的航班,但我還是想要最好的交易,最便宜的價格,最低的價格。我怎樣才能得到它? 我只想住四星級酒店,但我還是想要最好的交易,最便宜的價格,最低的價格。我怎樣才能得到它? 您的夢想和答案可以通過旅行者的夢想獵人,您的假期,旅行和旅行規劃的最佳工具實現。 抓住機會,拯救雄鹿隊!!! 旅行者的夢想獵人是一個軟體,能夠收集不同的ICP的航班,酒店或包的價格,列出所需的內容和最低的價格,通過電子郵件發送出過濾的結果,並跟蹤價格的歷史提供起源,目的地名稱,離開和返回日期。旅行者的夢想獵人還能夠執行掃描功能,從開始日期到結束日期一次或定期搜索所有可能低於所需價格的結果。


  • 版本 2.03.84 發佈於 2006-03-08



You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by Sam’s Lab, your use, and installation of this copy of Traveller’s Dream Hunter indicates your acceptance of this License. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this License, then do not install or use this copy of Traveller’s Dream Hunter. This copy of Traveller’s Dream Hunter may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used simultaneously by multiple people, but not both. This is not a concurrent use license. You may access this copy through a network, provided that you have obtained an individual Traveller’s Dream Hunter license for each workstation that will access Traveller’s Dream Hunter through the network. For instance, if 8 different workstations will access Traveller’s Dream Hunter on the network, each workstation must have its own Traveller’s Dream Hunter license, regardless of whether they use Traveller’s Dream Hunter at different times or concurrently. This software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, or any data collected by this software are distributed "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement. Any liability will be limited exclusively to refund of purchase price. In addition, in no event shall Sam’s Labs and its owner, or its principals, shareholders, officers, employees, affiliates, contractors, subsidiaries, or parent organizations, be liable for any incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of Traveller’s Dream Hunter. In addition, in no event does Sam’s Labs and its owner authorize you to use Traveller’s Dream Hunter in applications or systems where Traveller’s Dream Hunters failure to perform can reasonably be expected to result in a significant physical injury, or in loss of life. Any such use by you is entirely at your own risk, and you agree to hold Sam’s Labs and its owner harmless from any claims or losses relating to such unauthorized use. This Agreement is the complete statement of the Agreement between the parties on the subject matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior understandings, purchase orders, agreements and arrangements. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue for all matters relating to this Agreement shall be in courts and for located in the Province of Ontario, and you consent to such jurisdiction and venue.