Trader Notes 1.3

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交易者筆記將説明交易者以方便的形式存儲每個交易。因此,在分析您的交易者交易時,您將不會錯過任何任何資訊。該程式允許您添加、編輯和刪除交易(買賣股票、股票、債券、期貨等)。此外,您可以在日記中輸入您的評論、計劃和印象。 無論交易者使用什麼軟體在股票市場上交易,交易者票據將始終有助於持續控制投資組合的狀態,顯示其變化作為一個圖表。 大多數交易者,尤其是初學者,也會犯同樣的錯誤。壓力和壓力會使人對情況反應不充分。這就是為什麼你需要一個交易者日記: 它可以讓你跟蹤市場跡象及其對交易的影響, 説明你控制緊張情緒, 揭示交易的邏輯, 動機, 行動.通過這種分析得出的結論將有助於避免重複同樣的錯誤。 分析過去的交易可能往往很痛苦,要克服過去的損失並不容易。但是,如果你想擺脫不成功的交易,這是必要的。日記使交易者更加小心和自信。瞭解你的錯誤,修復它們,這將是改進策略的第一步。甚至在你進入市場之前,你應該寫下你削減這個特定交易的原因。它將允許你制定出做出正確決策的清晰畫面。 股市專業人士推薦!


  • 版本 1.3 發佈於 2007-06-03



Trader Notes 2005-2007 Information Technologies Center "Masters" All rights are registered LICENSE AGREEMENT This License agreement is the Contract between you, (further - the User), legally owning copy of the software "Trader Notes" (further - the Software), and the Information Technologies Center "Masters" (further - the Legal owner). Exclusive property copyrights to the Software and the documentation in a printed and/or electronic kind belong to the Legal owner. Software installation and using it means your unconditional consent with conditions of this agreement. If you disagree with conditions of this agreement, you should stop Software installation and using. 1. You have the right to use the Software according to conditions of this License agreement. 1.1. Software can be installed on a single computer. Action of a key is distributed only to that computer where the Software is installed. 2. The unregistered copy of the Software can be used by the User for 15 days since installation without any functional restrictions. 3. After registration the above mentioned trial period will be removed, besides you have the right to receive without additional payment from the Legal owner or its partners: - New versions of the Software through the Internet; - Technical support (by e-mail); 4. User has the right to make a copy of the Software provided that this copy is not intended for distribution together with the registration key received. 5. User has the right to freely distribute the unregistered version of the Software in any lawful ways and in any quantity. 6. User have the right to sell a copy of the Software available at you together with a registration key to the person, that concordant with conditions of this agreement, thus you cease to be the lawful owner of a copy of the Software, and, all rest at you are obliged to destroy copies of the Software, including archival. 7. It is forbidden to decompiling and/or updating the Software. 8. It is forbidden to hand over the Software together with your registration key in rent, in hire or in time using. 9. The legal owner and/or its partners do not suffer the responsibility for any damage from using or impossibility of using of the Software. The infringer suffers the responsibility for infringement of copyrights to the Software according to the legislation.