TipsSystem 2.05a

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 680.00 KB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

使用提示系統讓您的應用程式看起來更專業。您可以使用提示系統作為序號提示或當天的「資訊」對話框,但您也可以為使用者提供提示編輯器的電源。 該計劃應允許客戶修改和自定義自身的任何部分以滿足所有可能的客戶需求的概念已經是報告工具的標準。現在,您也可以在提示系統使用此技術的優勢。用戶可以完全控制此處的數據。提示可以添加、刪除、隱藏,由客戶編輯。 功能包括高級圖形,多語言支援,每個按鈕的事件,處理流,磁碟檔或註冊表任何其他選項自定義提示系統。試一試,你會喜歡的。


  • 版本 2.05a 發佈於 2003-09-19



License agreement Copyright: The TipsSystem (software) and everything that comes with it is Copyright (C) 1999-2002, by CoolDev.Com. All rights reserved. Liability disclaimer: THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. Restrictions: You may not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate or disassemble the software in whole or in part. You may not remove or modify any copyright notice or the method by which it may be invoked. Operating license: Unregistered version. You may distribute the unregistered version of software freely, provided that all files are included and remain unmodified and that no extra files have been added to the package. You may not ask any money for the distribution. You may use the unregistered version of TipsSystem free of charge for testing purposes, but if you want to use it for other purposes than testing - you have to register it with the author. Registered version. Once you have registered, you will receive a personal registered copy via email. This copy may not be copied or lend. You have the non-exclusive right to use registered version of the software only by a single person, on a single computer at a time. You may physically transfer the software from one computer to another, provided that the software is used only by a single person, on a single computer at a time. In group projects where multiple persons will use the software, you must purchase an individual license for each member of the group. Use over a "local area network" (within the same locale) is permitted provided that the software is used only by a single person, on a single computer at a time. Use over a "wide area network" (outside the same locale) is strictly prohibited under any and all circumstances. Back-up and transfer: You may make one copy of the software solely for "back-up" purposes, as prescribed by international copyright laws. You must reproduce and include the copyright notice on the back-up copy. Terms: This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it by destroying the program, the documentation and copies thereof. This license will also terminate if you fail to comply with any terms or conditions of this agreement. You agree upon such termination to destroy all copies of the program and of the documentation, or return them to author