Time-Assistant 6

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基於互聯網/內聯網的時間跟蹤軟體,包括員工時程表和各種報告和專案管理工具,包括工資計算、發票和費用、在線服務和PDA包。時間助手是您企業的專業時程表軟體。它是一種每日時間跟蹤解決方案,旨在減少與日常工作相關的記錄、分析和報告工作。借助時間助理,您可以輕鬆管理員工時程表和支出、計算工資、準備專案估算、根據個人或客戶工作效率獲取發票。 時間助手可由: 員工,他們需要仔細跟蹤他們在某些任務、專案和工作類型上花費的時間; 部門/專案負責人需要有跟蹤工具,並準確、及時地報告在執行不同任務和專案時花費的時間和金錢; 管理人員,他們需要結構化資訊來優化員工管理、提高生產力和應付費率/薪金; 基於時間的顧問,如 IT 專家、會計師、律師等,他們需要一個方便的工具來準確跟蹤時間。 使用瀏覽器訪問時間助手,無需安裝用戶端。它包括所有標準時程表和小時費率輸入功能,專案追蹤能力,以及自動工資計算和綜合的時間和成本報告。


  • 版本 6.x 發佈於 2005-03-01



STANDARD LICENSE AGREEMENT This is an Agreement between, Softerra, LLC. ("Softerra"), owner of the Time-Assistant software ("software"), and you ("Licensee"), for the purpose of specifying the conditions under which Licensee will use the software. Important Notice As part of the purchase process, you agree to accept the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement is a legal contract which specifies the terms of the license and warranty limitation between you and Softerra for the Time-Assistant software and related documentation. You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before installing or using the software. Unless you have entered into a separate written license agreement with Softerra providing otherwise, installation or use of the software indicates your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, do not attempt to install or use the software. Scope of Use. The License is subject to the following restrictions. You may only: (a) install one copy of the software on a single physical workstation or server serving a single computer network and (b) use the software for your internal business purposes only. Your license to use this software is limited to the Permitted Number of Users specified in the licenses purchased by you. In addition, you shall not, nor permit any party to: (i) use the software for the benefit of any third party, including without limitation, in an outsourcing or timesharing arrangement, or in the operation of a service bureau; (ii) sell, lease, sublicense, distribute, or otherwise transfer the software to any person, firm, or entity. Portions of the software may not be used independently of the software. You may not copy all or any part of the software or related documentation, except that you may make a reasonable number of copies of the software solely for backup, archival, or development purposes. Upgrades If the software and related documentation are provided as an upgrade to an earlier licensed release of the software, then you must have a valid license to operate such earlier release of the same version and edition as the upgrade to install or use the upgrade. All software being upgraded is deemed to be part of the software and is subject to this Agreement. You may transfer an upgrade only in conjunction and together with the licensed software being upgraded. Time-Assistant is the Intellectual Property of Softerra. No Additional Rights or Licenses You acknowledge and agree that except for the rights granted in this Agreement, all other rights, and all title and interest in and to the software (as an independent work and as an underlying work serving as a basis for any application you may develop) and related documentation remain the sole and exclusive property of Softerra, and that you will not derive or assert any title or interest in or to the software or related documentation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you do not receive any rights to any patents, copyrights, trademarks rights to the software or related documentation. This Agreement does not authorize you to use Softerras name or any of its trademarks. Transfer Subject to the transferees agreement in writing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, you may permanently transfer all of your rights under this Agreement by transferring all media, all upgrades and all related documentation together with this Agreement. You may retain no copies of the software or related documentation. If the software and related documentation is an upgrade to an earlier licensed release of the software, any transfer must include all prior releases of the software and documentation. Term and Termination The license granted for the Time-Assistant software will continue until it is terminated. Softerra may terminate any license granted herein if you fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement. Upon the termination of a license for any reason, you must promptly return to Softerra or destroy all copies of the software and related documentation covered by the license. Warranty and Remedies Softerra PROVIDES NO REMEDIES OR WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, FOR THE EVALUATION VERSION. THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ACCOMPANYING THE EVALUATION VERSION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS." THESE REMEDIES ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO YOU FOR BREACH OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. By way of example, without limitation, Softerra provides no warranties of any kind to any end-users accessing or otherwise using applications developed or otherwise obtained by you. The warranties do not cover damage or defects caused by or related to misuse, accident, negligence or misapplication. Because programs such as this are inherently complex, Softerra does not warrant that the software is error-free or will operate without interruption. Furthermore, Softerra does not warrant that the software will work with any given database, network or network application. You acknowledge that due to the complexity of the software, it is possible that use of the software could lead to the unintentional loss or corruption of data. You assume all risks of such data loss or corruption; the warranties provided in this Agreement do not cover any damages or losses resulting from data loss or corruption. Limitation on Liability IN NO CASE SHALL SOFTERRA BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR THE INABILITY TO USE EQUIPMENT OR ACCESS DATA, WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES ARE BASED UPON A BREACH OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. THIS IS TRUE EVEN IF Softerra IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO CASE WILL SOFTERRAs LIABILITY EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE LICENSE FEE ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU TO SOFTERRA. Miscellaneous This Agreement is the complete agreement between you and Softerra concerning the software and related documentation. The failure or delay of Softerra to exercise any of its rights under this Agreement or upon any breach of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of those rights or of the breach. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement or the software or related documentation, you may contact Softerra at [email protected] or visit our website at: www.Time-Assistant.com