Tight Budget Financial Assistant 1.12

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.29 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

緊縮預算財務助理是一個系統,以密切關注您的銀行餘額。它可以被設置為預測您的預算,到目前為止,你的願望。設置它需要最少的資訊,只是最近的銀行對帳單,因此你可以在幾分鐘內啟動並運行。您可以輕鬆地調整資訊,因為何時可以獲得更準確的資訊。一旦資訊是現實的,緊縮預算的預測變得相應地準確。 其優點包括:設置簡單、使用簡單、附帶全面的上下文幫助檔,以及從一個中央螢幕完成大多數操作。 通常你會發現緊縮的預算為您提供一個確切的銀行餘額前幾天,你的銀行可以告訴你。


  • 版本 1.12 發佈於 2001-07-12



Veronica Chapman, t/a ProVersion Consultants ("the AUTHOR"), grants you a licence to use one copy of the version of the Tight Budget Financial Assistant software ("the SOFTWARE"), on any one system for as many licences as you purchase. "You" means the company, entity or individual whose funds are used to pay the licence fee. "Use" means storing, loading, installing, executing or displaying the SOFTWARE. You may not modify the SOFTWARE or disable any licencing or control features of the SOFTWARE except as an intended part of the SOFTWARE's programming features. When you first obtain a copy of the SOFTWARE, you are granted an evaluation period of not more than 30 days, after which time you must pay for the SOFTWARE according to the terms and prices discussed in the SOFTWARE's documentation, or you must remove the SOFTWARE from your system. This licence is not transferable to any other system, or to another organisation or individual. You are expected to use the SOFTWARE on your system and to thoroughly evaluate its usefulness and functionality before making a purchase. This "try before you buy" approach is the ultimate guarantee that the SOFTWARE will perform to your satisfaction; therefore, you understand and agree that there is no refund policy for any purchase of the SOFTWARE. You may distribute the trial copy of the SOFTWARE to other people in the unmodified form, provided that there is no fee charged for such distribution other than a nominal handling fee. You are not permitted to distribute neither registered copies of the SOFTWARE nor any unlocking codes for the SOFTWARE that enable unlimited use of the SOFTWARE Such distribution is considered to be an electronic theft and is subject to legal prosecution to the maximum extent under the law. Registered users of the SOFTWARE may use it without any limitations. The Tight Budget Financial Assistant is not free. Continuing to use the Tight Budget Financial Assistant software beyond 30-day evaluation period is a violation of the Licence Agreement and a criminal offence. It may be prosecuted to the maximum extent under the Copyright Law.