TEXTools 2.2

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當其他人仍在聲明變數時,使用TEXTools完成工作——Windows強大的、基於管道的文本處理工作台,它允許您通過簡單地組合篩選器將文本轉換為其他形式。 以最少的代碼行對文字執行一些像您以前從未做過的一樣的事情。 與傳統代碼相比,管道更易於開發、維護和調試,是解決日常文本編輯問題的最終解決方案。 TEXTools 的流線型使用者介面無縫整合了 69 個文字翻譯濾鏡,讓您能夠輕鬆完成最具挑戰性的編輯任務。 搜尋和替換網頁中的文字,在 CSV 之間轉換,逗號分隔,選項卡分隔和固定寬度檔,提取日誌檔數據,操作 XML 資料,在 PC、Mac 和 Unix 文字檔案之間轉換,編輯郵件清單,提取電子郵件地址,維護關鍵字列表,格式化源代碼,自動互動式流程 - 所有這些都,只需結合過濾器! 篩選器可以執行更改文本大小寫、排序行、刪除重複項、輸出唯一行、截斷行、將線修剪到給定寬度、從行中修剪空格、對齊文本、添加或刪除行或列、重新排序列、聯接或拆分行、執行基本轉換、數位總計列、對數位數據執行數學運算、計數行、添加行數等。 您甚至可以通過從 32 位元主控台可執行檔、VBScript、JScript 創建自己的使用者定義的篩選器 (UDF) 來擴展 TEXTools,並結合其他 TEXTools 篩選器! 篩選器完全支援正則表達式,它們可以對整個輸入文本進行操作,也可以限制為僅對獨立的文本塊進行操作。 可以使用 TEXTools 命令列 (TCL) 從批次處理檔呼叫 TEXTools,也可以從 VBScript、JScript、Perl、Python、Visual Basic、Delphi、C++等語言自動呼叫 TEXTools。 為什麼要編寫代碼來處理文本時,你可以"管道"它?


  • 版本 2.2 發佈於 2005-05-20



LICENSE AGREEMENT Firefly Software hereby grants you, a non-exclusive license to use TEXTools along with the accompanying utilities and documentation, (herein referred to as "Software") as per the following: a) This Software is not free; however, you may freely evaluate this Software for a period not to exceed thirty days from initial installation. After said evaluation period has expired you must either register the Software with Firefly Software or you must uninstall the Software completely from any and all computer equipment upon which it was installed. b) You may use the Software on a single computer system. In addition, you may use the Software on a second computer system so long as only one copy of the Software is used at a time. Concurrent use of the Software is prohibited. c) Should you decide to register the Software, your registration key may only be used by you to unlock the Software for your use. You may not permit others to use your registration key to unlock their copy of the Software. d) You may copy the Software for archival purposes provided any such copy contains all of the original Software''s proprietary notices. In addition, you may freely distribute this Software so long as it is distributed in its original, unmodified state. Only those utilities in the distribution package that are marked as FREEWARE may be distributed separately. Copying of the Software for any other purpose than that provided herein is prohibited. e) You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, translate or otherwise alter the Software or create derivative works based on the Software. Any attempt to do so is in violation of this licensing agreement. By installing this Software you agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of this licensing agreement. If you do not agree to all terms and conditions of this licensing agreement then you should discontinue the installation of the Software by clicking the "Exit" button and then uninstall the Software completely from any and all computer equipment upon which it was installed. This Software is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author or Firefly Software be held liable for any loss of profit or any other damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, incidental, and consequential damages. As with all copyrighted software, this Software is protected by United States copyright law and by international treaty provisions as well. All rights not otherwise expressed herein are reserved by Firefly Software.