Tablet Commander 2.2

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 943.44 KB
‎使用者評分: 3.4/5 - ‎9 ‎評分

平板電腦指揮官是平板電腦特定的軟體,可説明您高效使用平板電腦。 它可以説明您墨蹟常用程式和命令的捷徑。 平板電腦指揮官快速執行應用程式,很少平板電腦輕彈。平板電腦指揮官允許您自定義在日常 dasis 中使用的快捷方式。 特徵: * 添加無限數量的快捷方式。 * 墨跡 Windows 命令列程式或任何其他應用程式,不在快捷方式中,就像你在運行對話框中運行應用程式一樣。 * 將自定義文本粘貼到任何應用程式 * 在其他應用中執行多鍵捷徑(如 Ctrl+C、Alt+B 等) * 能夠編寫自定義文本運行應用程式,粘貼文本,執行多鍵快捷方式 * 超過100個準備使用快捷方式,為您節省大量時間 * 使用單個筆命令執行常用的系統操作。 * 打開幾乎所有的系統資料夾(桌面,回收站,程式檔等),用一個筆命令。 * 消耗的記憶體非常少 * 各種選項,定製自己的口味。


  • 版本 2.2 發佈於 2009-09-07



Tablet Commander is a shareware program. You are allowed to use it for an unlimited period of time, provided you register it for a small fee of $19.95 (USD)(Single User License). The License cannot be transferred or the program cannot be resold to anyone else. The owner of the Tablet Commander cannot resell the program to anyone else and cannot transfer the ownership to anyone else. The user should not be responsible in redistributing the program to anyone else. If the user is found the redistribute the program, the membership will be cancelled and wont be entitled to further upgrades and legal action will be taken against the individuals. Use of Tablet Commander is the responsibility of the user. Any damage caused by Tablet Commander is at the risk of the user. The author takes no responsibility for any damage that Tablet Commander causes. Users of ' Tablet Commander ' must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "Tablet Commander is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Tablet Commander."