全新的系統哨兵在 PC 周圍創建一個保護網路。系統哨兵是不僅僅是一個反間諜軟體和廣告軟體刪除器,它檢測和完全刪除最危險的間諜軟體在那裡,包括一個,即使是三個最流行的反間諜軟體產品不能刪除,SpyFalcon。哨兵追捕和摧毀所有的鍵盤記錄器,特洛伊木馬和主頁劫機者,甚至將監控和優化註冊表,掃描和刪除有害的cookies和更多。領先的反間諜軟體產品擁有每年四個升級,但是,Sentinel 保證主要升級每周和資料庫升級每天,總是免費的。與競爭對手不同的是,Sentinel 通過讓一支哨兵大軍來保護每個使用者,從而創建一個保護網路。當檢測到新威脅時,Sentinel 伺服器將收到通知,並且 Sentinel 的核心程式設計將立即創建修復程式。然後,修復程式將立即發送給所有許可使用者,以確保新威脅永遠不會發送到使用者的 PC。Sentinel 還優化註冊表並檢查每個 Cookie 的真實性,並且只會顯示有害的 Cookie 以進行刪除。許多競爭對手展示所有 Cookie,以說服用戶他們程式的最高權力,但是,這是不實際的。Sentinel 將刪除所有 Cookie,如果您願意,還允許使用者設置更新時間並自動執行所有掃描和刪除功能。哨兵掃描在瞬間,將不知疲倦地在後台工作,以防止任何新的威脅。Sentinel 保證完全刪除即使是最難和變異的威脅,包括專門設計用於避免檢測和刪除的 rootkit 間諜。Sentinel 已成功檢測並刪除間諜軟體、廣告軟體、彈出式廣告、網路釣魚攻擊、高傑克、鍵盤記錄器、Rootkits、特洛伊木馬程式、駕車下載、流氓程序、註冊錶工廠等。支援免費技術支援和免費升級,包括鐵皮30天的退貨政策。
- 版本 3.0 發佈於 2007-01-17
- 軟體分類: 安全和隱私 > 防垃圾郵件和防間諜工具
- 發佈者: Oversight Technology Corporation
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $18.95
- 版本: 3.0
- 作業系統: windows
SECTION I: THE SOFTWARE The software is licensed for the exclusive use of the original purchaser on one computer only. You are free to move this software from one computer to another as long as you delete it from the first computer or cease using it on the first computer. It cannot be used on two computers at one time. SECTION II: OVERSIGHT TECHNOLOGY''S RIGHTS Oversight Technology retains all rights to this Software, Services, and documentation. You are entitled to use this Software, for your own personal use. You do not have any rights to publish, resell, or distribute this software in any way, nor change the copyright information or company information attached to the software. SECTION III: LIABILITY & INDEMNIFICATION Oversight Technology provides this Software and Services ''as is'' without warranty of any kind either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Oversight Technology or it''s creators be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of data, unsecured transactions, interruption of business, or for indirect special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, even if Oversight Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damages arising from any defect or error in the documentation, or software. You shall indemnify, defend by counsel reasonably accepted by the company, protect and hold Oversight Technology and it''s creators harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, expenses, including consultants'' and attorneys'' fees and court costs, demands, causes of action, or judgments arising directly or indirectly (arising out of) from or relating to the use of the Software (and) or Services provided. SECTION IV: COPYRIGHTS Oversight Technology Corporation has all copyright ownership, and by purchasing this software, you agree to recognize and respect the rights of the holder and that you will make no (not) changes to any of the copyright information or company information.