Spring Waterfall 3D Screensaver 1.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 11.30 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

與春天瀑布3D屏幕保護程式,你可以照亮你等待美好的春天的日子欣賞在瀑布和溪流的誘人的水流。溪流穿過美麗的野生風景,所以您可以聽到附近的鳥類和動物,以及令人耳目一新的風。季節是春天,所以一切都在綻放,包括你的心情。 春天瀑布3D屏幕保護程式是一個真正的眼睛糖果,因為它閃耀與逼真的視覺與各種後處理效果,使地方看起來真正生動和生活。圖形的品質非常突出,是享受眼神的長期補救措施。 您還將樂於聆聽利用 5.1 音響系統的野生動物的聲音。聲音是自然的,並迅速緩解你的頭腦,所有世界的關注。柔和的音樂伴奏為螢幕保護程式增添了獨特的魅力。你會很高興聽到在真正的樂器上演奏的曲子,旋律將成為靈魂的香膏。 令人驚奇的是,這種小事情,如這個迷人的屏幕保護程式可以是一個完美的補救措施,當你遭受缺乏浮力,由於緊張的工作或不能花足夠的時間在休閒活動。迷人的瀑布和熱鬧的春天風景為繃緊的神經提供了輕鬆。水的雜音以及野生動物和柔和的音樂的自然3D聲音,將你送至一些孤獨寧靜的地方,在那裡您可以恢復專注並獲得寧靜。這種寧靜的放鬆會讓你在沒有時間啟動和運行。


  • 版本 1.0 發佈於 2007-03-26



This Software Licensing Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between you and Eye Catching Screensavers. By installing this Software, by loading or running the Software, by placing or copying the Software onto your hard drive, or by distributing the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. These are the only terms by which Eye Catching Screensavers permits copying or use. EYE CATCHING SCREENSAVERS LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR General terms: 1. THE SOFTWARE. The Software licensed under this agreement is the computer program, which consists of executable files, data files, and documentation. 2. GRANT OF LICENSE. Eye Catching Screensavers grants you the right to use the Software in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You may load the software into RAM as well as install it on a hard disk or other storage device. You may not modify, translate, disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, or create derivative works based upon the Software. 2.1. SHAREWARE VERSION LICENSE. You may distribute copies of the shareware version of the Software freely to other users, provided that any copy must contain the original, unaltered files and proprietary notices. You have the ability to register the shareware version at any time by purchasing the full version from Eye Catching Screensavers. 2.2. REGISTERED VERSION LICENSE. When you purchase the Software, you will receive the full registered version or the registration key to the program.You agree not to distribute the registered version or the registration key to others and to use it only for your own personal use. You acknowledge that distribution of the registered version to others, whether intentional or unintentional, could damage Eye Catching Screensavers both financially and professionally. Any unauthorized distribution of your registered version will result in immediate and automatic termination of your license. 3. COPYRIGHT. The Software is owned by Eye Catching Screensavers and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaties. You must treat the Software like any other copyrighted material, except that you may make copies of the shareware version of the Software to give to other persons under the terms of this Agreement. You may not distribute copies of the registered version to others. Except as expressly licensed by Eye Catching Screensavers in writing, Eye Catching Screensavers reserves the exclusive copyright and all other rights, title and interest to distribute the Software, and to use Trademarks in connection with them. "Trademarks" refers to the name of the Software, the name Eye Catching Screensavers, and the bow and arrow logo, which are trademarks of Eye Catching Screensavers. 4. NO WARRANTY. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS". NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. EYE CATCHING SCREENSAVERS WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 5. TERM. The term of this license grant is perpetual. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by destroying all copies of the Software in your possession. Your license to use the Software will automatically terminate if you breach the terms of this Agreement. 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS. This Agreement is the sole and entire Agreement relating to the subject matter hereof, and supercedes all prior understandings, agreements, and documentation relating to such subject matter. If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. This Agreement does not create any agency or partner relationship. Your rights under this Agreement are personal and do not include any right to sublicense the Software. This Agreement may be terminated by Eye Catching Screensavers by giving a 30-day advance written notice. 7. DISTRIBUTION. Eye Catching Screensavers allows and encourages all web sites, on-line services, shareware disk vendors, CD-ROM vendors, bulletin board systems, and end-users to freely distribute the shareware version of this Software. If you wish to distribute the Software, you may obtain the most recent version from www.eyecatchingscreens.com. It is generally not necessary to contact Eye Catching Screensavers for authorization, and you may begin offering the shareware version immediately. Thank you for using this Software in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.