Speereo Voice Operated Organizer.Sapie. 3.11

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‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

多個袖珍 PC 最佳軟體入圍者,薩皮現在變得更加聰明和方便! Sapie 接受過培訓,可提供全新的個人時間管理手段 - 與使用者的語音交互。 和薩皮交談,好像你在和秘書進行現實生活中的對話。此技術超出了您可能擁有的任何期望,在您的設備上載入了另一個常規 PIM。現在安排你的一天就像給秘書下訂單一樣簡單! Sapie 教授執行各種任務:從語音郵件和語音撥號到詳細的日記。 她擁有您需要的一切: -通過一個按鈕設置提醒 -通過提供適當的語音命令操作語音電子郵件 -以語音速度輸入和管理您的聯繫人和議程 薩皮與其他 Pims 大相徑庭!您不必按數十次按鈕,就可以忘記手寫筆。只需按下按鈕即可交談!她會為你做剩下的。 此版本中的更新功能: -先進的數學技術,這使她能夠以任何速度理解一個人說話的所有可思考的口音和發音。 -所有語音通信都基於人的對話類型,以便避免重複相同的單個短語一遍又一遍。 -不要一直看螢幕。Sapie 將帶領您前進,提出所有問題,這些問題都是我們的心理學家仔細考慮的,並正確連接到程式師對不同安排的每個單獨主題。 -聽寫評論時忘了什麼?不要刪除整個註釋 -只需將提醒添加到現有註解。 -由於我們的演算法,所有語音錄製評論佔用的記憶體比任何GSM編碼檔都少10倍。 Sapie 不僅組織您的日程安排和個人數據,還呈現了真實的個性:聲音和長相。 渴望與薩皮有全新的體驗? 她一將完全超出你的預期。


  • 版本 3.11 發佈於 2007-05-10



LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE This is a legal agreement between you, the USER (either an individual or an entity), and SPEEREO™ SOFTWARE U.K. LTD (subsequently "SPEEREO™"). Installing SPEEREO™'s speech recognition software constitutes acceptance of the terms of this License Agreement (subsequently "AGREEMENT"). If you do not agree to the terms of the AGREEMENT, you may not install this software. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE This proprietary speech recognition software (subsequently "SOFTWARE") constitutes a set of computer programs together with the accompanying description. A. Full license SPEEREO™ conveys the non-exclusive right to use its SOFTWARE to the USER on terms and conditions set forth in the AGREEMENT. SPEEREO™ reserves any rights not expressly granted to the USER and retains ownership of the SOFTWARE. This license allows the USER to copy and use the SOFTWARE on a single Mobile Device. To "use" the SOFTWARE means that the SOFTWARE can be loaded in the temporary (e.g., RAM) or permanent (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) memory of the USER's computer and mobile device and be used . The full license is provided to the USER after paying a full license fee as stipulated in the PAYMENT AND KEYS section below. B. Trial license SPEEREO™ conveys the non-exclusive right to use its SOFTWARE to the USER on terms and conditions set forth in the AGREEMENT. SPEEREO™ reserves any rights not expressly granted to the USER and retains ownership of the SOFTWARE. This license allows the USER to copy and use the SOFTWARE on a single Pocket PC. To "use" the SOFTWARE means that the SOFTWARE can be loaded in the temporary (e.g., RAM) or permanent (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) memory of the USER's computer and run. The trial license is provided to the USER for FREE only once, for the period of 15 days, for the evaluation of the SOFTWARE performance. 2. COPYRIGHT This SOFTWARE is owned by SPEEREO™ and is protected by copyright and trademark laws and international treaty provisions. "Speereo™" is SPEEREO™'s registered trademark. 3. OTHER RESTRICTIONS a. The USER may not use, copy, or modify the files containing the SOFTWARE, in whole or in part, or translate such files into any other file format or language, except as expressly provided for in this AGREEMENT. b. The USER may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the SOFTWARE to any human or machine perceivable form for any purpose whatsoever. c. The USER may not alter, modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based upon the SOFTWARE or any part thereof. d. The USER may not commercially exploit the SOFTWARE in any manner. e. The USER may not sell, lend, rent, lease, or sublicense the SOFTWARE or any part thereof. f. The USER may not distribute the SOFTWARE by any means, including the Internet or other electronic means. 4. PAYMENT AND KEYS The program can be used in trial mode for 15 days. At purchase on www.speereo.com or Speereo™’s partner’s site USER receives Purchase Key. The Key is required to continue use of Sapie after 15 days of Trial. To request Activation Key the USER will be asked to enter 15 digits Device ID in appropriate field at the point of making payment for purchase. 5. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER AND CUSTOMER REMEDY The SOFTWARE is delivered "as is" without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. SPEEREO does not warrant that the SOFTWARE carries no errors or misprints. The USER assumes all risks and responsibility for, among other things, (i) the selection of the SOFTWARE to achieve intended results, (ii) the quality and performance of the SOFTWARE, (iii) the acquisition of other software (including any programming or operating system software) and/or equipment compatible with the SOFTWARE, and (iv) the installation, use, and results obtained from the SOFTWARE. Should the product prove defective, the USER assumes the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Further in, as much as the price paid for the license rights granted to the USER to use the SOFTWARE may be substantially disproportionate to the value of products to be used in conjunction with the SOFTWARE, and for the express purpose of limiting the liability against SPEEREO™ to an extent which is reasonably proportionate to the commercial value of this transaction, the USER agrees that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, SPEEREO™ or any of directors, officers, employees or affiliates of the foregoing to be not liable to the USER for any consequential, incidental, indirect, or special damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) and regardless of the form of an action for the SOFTWARE that has caused such damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, arising out of the use or inability to use the SOFTWARE or the provision of or failure to provide support services, even if SPEEREO™ has been advised of the possibility of such a damage. SPEEREO™'s entire liability and the USER's exclusive remedy shall be, at SPEEREO™'s option, either replacement of the SOFTWARE, or a refund of the purchase price for the SOFTWARE which is returned within the period or fifteen (15) days after its acquisition. This remedy is void if a failure of the licensed SOFTWARE has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication on the part of the USER. 6. TERM This AGREEMENT is effective upon installation of the SOFTWARE and remains in effect until the USER uninstalls the SOFTWARE in his/her possession or under his/her control. The USER may terminate the AGREEMENT at any time by uninstalling the SOFTWARE. This AGREEMENT will terminate immediately without notice from SPEEREO™ or judicial resolution if the USER fails to comply with any provision of this AGREEMENT. AN UNPAID USE OF THE SOFTWARE AFTER THE 15-DAY EVALUATION PERIOD IS IN VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT LAWS. 7. GENERAL This AGREEMENT is personal between the USER and SPEEREO™. It is not transferable. The AGREEMENT shall be construed under the laws of the United Kingdom, except for the body of law dealing with conflicts of law. If any provision of this AGREEMENT is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remaining provisions of this AGREEMENT will remain in full force and effect. The USER further agrees that this is the complete and exclusive statement of the AGREEMENT between the USER and SPEEREO™ with respect to the use of the licensed SOFTWARE and related documentation which supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding this subject matter between the USER and SPEEREO™ or SPEEREO™'s agent(s). No amendment to or modification of this AGREEMENT will be binding unless performed in writing and is signed by a duly authorized representative of SPEEREO™. THE USER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE/SHE HAS READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTANDS IT, AND BY INSTALLING THE PROGRAM FOR TRIAL OR PURCHASE AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS.