Space War Commander 1.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 54.00 KB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

太空戰爭指揮官是一個獨特的RTS遊戲,設置在一個宇宙中,人類被消滅。 太空戰爭指揮官是一個全新的戰略流派,避免基地建設和微觀管理,有利於新的遊戲元素前在RTS中從未見過。例如,你可以利用星系中的供給和需求,在行星之間運輸貨物。當然,您也可以前往有爭議的地區,追捕敵艦,並出售他們的船體廢料。最後,為什麼不買快船來超越海盜,並帶領他們到你的對手的基地? 太空戰爭指揮官是不同的,因為你有有限的錢來購買船舶。因此,你需要真正考慮你精心挑選的力量的化妝,以及該如何處理它。你打算購買大型驅逐艦,為控制有價值的行星而戰嗎?或者你會投資轟炸機,並試圖手術打擊你的敵人,它最脆弱?每艘船都至關重要。每個決定都很重要。在太空戰爭指揮官,這是你的心對宇宙。 特徵 *擊敗海盜,雇傭軍,和常客與你的手挑選的刺客船,拾荒者的力量和更多。 *征服模式:30個具有挑戰性的星系,7個不同的種族,和一個原創的,發人深省的故事。 * 護目鏡模式 - 金錢在地圖、8種小星系和無限多樣星系之間延續。 * 你可以玩太空戰爭指揮官多年,但完成一個平均遊戲在不到15分鐘! *運行封鎖,指揮突然攻擊,破壞敵人的計劃,玩一個派系對另一個派系,並粉碎你的敵人與數量不計其數的自己的創造性策略


  • 版本 1.0 發佈於 2009-01-01



1. Space War Commander is a shareware program. You can install this program only to test and evaluate it. To find out how to register this program, click the “How To Purchase” button on the main screen of the demo. 2. All copyrights associated with Space War Commander are exclusively held by Dreamspike Studios. 3. You cannot modify the code, graphics, sounds, data files, or the executable file in any way. This means that you cannot emulate, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the executable file. Any unauthorized alteration of this software instantly and automatically ends this license. Furthermore, any of the actions listed above could result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. 4. Space War Commander is distributed as is. There is absolutely no warranty for this program. All implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a specific purpose are disclaimed. Use it at your own risk. The developer (Dreamspike Studios) and all contributors in the production of this software will NOT be held responsible for any damages, data loss, monetary loss, or any other loss associated with your use or misuse of this program. The developer and contributors will not be liable for any damages associated with the use of this program, in terms of contract, strict liability, or tort, regardless of any knowledge of the possibility of such damage. 5. You may copy and distribute only the complete and unaltered Shareware Demo version of Space War Commander. If you chose to do so, you may NOT charge a fee for this program unless you obtain signed written permission from Dreamspike Studios. Dreamspike Studios has the right to refuse any company or person permission to distribute this program. 6. By purchasing (registering) this software, you gain a non-exclusive license to use Space War Commander on a single computer. If you choose to delete this software from your computer, you forfeit that license. All sales are final. The registered version of Space War Commander may not be distributed, sold, rented, leased, or modified without signed and written permission from Dreamspike Studios to do so.