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在任何用戶端印表機上列印,在終端伺服器上沒有驅動程式。變數選擇和預設印表機。始終相同的印表機名稱。專用印表機僅由使用者和管理員可見。廣泛的解析度和檔化。完美的托盤選擇。 如果您在 Microsoft 終端服務中使用 rdp 協定嵌入式功能進行列印方面經驗豐富,您將知道存在這些問題: 1. 某些印表機驅動器異常(例如,終端伺服器控制台中某些訊息) 2. 多個印表機驅動器如果共用同一台電腦,將崩潰 3. 如果在用戶端上安裝新驅動程式,則 rdp 在伺服器上缺少相同的驅動程式 4. 許多驅動程式不支援微軟終端伺服器下的 rdp 列印 5. 印表機名稱在伺服器端生成,並實際使用會話數。有些程序不喜歡這樣。 6. 每個本地安裝的印表機都將在終端中映射 7. 終端中的標準印表機始終與本地標準印表機相同 8. 在工作組中,每個映射印表機的每個使用者 9. 列印數據轉印的壓縮率很低 10. 32 位元用戶端將連接到 64 位元終端伺服器,但 64 位元印表機驅動程式不可用。 SLIMPRINTER 解決了所有這些問題! * 伺服器端只有兩個通用印表機驅動器 * 公共和私人印表機 * 獨立標準印表機 * 伺服器端沒有管理垃圾 * 支援紙張, 直到 A0, 也捲紙的邦印表機 * 從 32 位元用戶端連接到 64 位元終端伺服器,反之亦然,所有印表機類型可能


  • 版本 10.0 發佈於 2020-10-23
    韋貝瑟特 · 伯納梅 · 德 · 沃林斯特倫根 · 德 · 普蘭德魯克, 貝森德斯 · 貝原創特雷伯。達斯 · 斯卡馬拉德登 · 伍德 · 孔普萊特 · 貝拉貝特 · 德斯特 · 斯特特 · 傑茲特 · 奧赫 · 弗爾 64 位 Windows zur Verfgung .Die Untersttzung von Scannern mit Adf wurde 實施器。
  • 版本 7.9 發佈於 2011-06-27



By the installation and use of the software product (in the following SOFTWARE called) you explain your consent with this licence agreement. Otherwise you must set the use of the SOFTWARE and delete all matching files from your computer. 1. All rights in this SOFTWARE remain with Wolf IT-Service and are protected by copyright laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and international contracts. 2. The SOFTWARE is not free. It is licensed and not sold. If you accept the conditions of this licence agreement, receive a limited licence to the use of the SOFTWARE. Otherwise you must set the use of the SOFTWARE and delete all matching files from your computer. 3. This licence arrangement, as well as the software-user's licence gives you the non-exclusive right to the use of the SOFTWARE with the restrictions discussed in this arrangement. 4. They have to spread the explicit right unchanged copies of the SOFTWARE without any restriction and without consent or licence of the copyright owner. They may spread the SOFTWARE on disks, CDs and other media, as well as on the Internet and other networks. 5. The licence to the use of the SOFTWARE gives you to instal the non-exclusive right SOFTWARE and to be of use as a function of the licence type on the suitable number of the computers. If the SOFTWARE is installed on a network to the common use, the number of the computers on which the SOFTWARE is launched must correspond to the number certain in the licence. The licence to the use of the SOFTWARE sees no restrictions in the useful life (except especially limited licence for the test version); the licence gives you the right to free updates of the SOFTWARE and the right to the free technical support. 6. The licence for the SOFTWARE may not or be lent into three parts sold, pass without written approval of the copyright owner. 7. The licence gives you no right to modify, change, redevelop, decompile or disassemble. 8. Wolf IT-Service gives you no guarantee that the SOFTWARE corresponds to your demands. After acquisition of the licence you may demand back no costs with the grounds that the SOFTWARE does not meet your demands or no any more. 9. Wolf IT-Service bears no responsibility for damages during the use of SOFTWARE originate. You will use the SOFTWARE on your own risk. 10. Wolf IT-Service reserves himself all rights which are not discussed expressly in this licence. 11. The injury of the regulations of this licence automatically bears the loss of the SOFTWARE user's licence and can draw civil law and/or criminal conclusions with itself. 12. By the installation and use of the SOFTWARE you explain your consent with this licence agreeement. Otherwise you must set the use of the SOFTWARE and delete all matching files from your computer. Wolf IT-Service An der Fohlenweide 18 39261 Zerbst