您不需要是電腦的天才來監視你的孩子或員工的活動。你只需要Skype間諜USB版程式,其中不顯眼地監控和跟蹤所有的Skype活動。該程式適用於以前在 PC 上登錄 Skype 的所有帳戶。 該程式追蹤目標 Skype 帳戶使用者接收/發送的每條短信。這意味著,通過Skype間諜USB版,你可以監控你的員工的時間不浪費在寫個人電子郵件,你的孩子不會受到在線掠食者的威脅。 程序監控所有放置/接收/未接的Skype呼叫和檔案傳輸歷史記錄。你的孩子可能是欺淩的受害者,你甚至不知道。您的員工可能會與競爭對手共用公司數據,而您可能非常不知道。在這樣的情況下,Skype間諜USB版應用程式可能是非常有用的。 以該程式,您可以: - 在受監視的電腦上搜索 Skype 歷史記錄; - 製作Skype聊天對話的備份副本; - 查看 Skype 聊天對話的備份副本。 Skype間諜USB版程式是您無形的可能性,可以訪問所有活動通過Skype帳戶在顯示器的PC上進行。Skype間諜程式的跟蹤功能收集數據從使用者的Skype應用程式帳戶,所以你可以保持充分瞭解在家和工作。易於使用的控制面板,24/7即時客戶支援使Skype間諜USB版的最佳解決方案在那裡保持你的孩子的安全和工人的生產。
License for use and distribution This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you and "Skype Spy" Software, please read it carefully. This EULA covers all existing versions of "Skype Spy" application. YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA BY INSTALLING THIS PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL THIS PRODUCT. "Skype Spy" Software grants a license for demo software. If you like software you have to purchase it. "Skype Spy" Software has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third parties. "Skype Spy" Software does not guarantee support for all listed software packages due to 3rd party software terms of use and policies. "Skype Spy" Software makes no guarantee of availability of 3rd party softwares and reserves the rights to change, withdraw, suspend, or discontinue any functionality or feature of software's supported keys. When you purchase "Skype Spy" Software, the "Serial Number" is being issued to you. This "Serial Number" can only be used by the individual (or entity) purchased it and should not be shared with the other individuals (parties). Any distribution of the "Serial Number" shall result in immediate and automatic termination of the rights granted in this EULA. The single license represents a right to install, copy, access, display, run or otherwise use one copy of "Skype Spy" product specified at a time of purchase on a single computer past the evaluation period. We reserve the right to implement the technological measures in the "Skype Spy" Software to prevent its unlicensed or illegal use. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of the rights granted in this EULA and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. "Skype Spy" SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE "Skype Spy" SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. "Skype Spy" SOFTWARE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, AND LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. If you do not agree with the terms of this license or if the terms of this license contradict with your local laws, you must remove "Skype Spy" product files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. The terms of this license, as well as the "Skype Spy" Software interface design are subjects of changes in future versions of "Skype Spy"Software. "Skype Spy" Software may come packaged with additional company products or third-party products. Please review the licensing terms of these individual products. We adhere to strict privacy guidelines and do NOT collect personally identifiable information unless it is voluntarily provided. The Software may provide user experience data (without personally identifiable information) when you address Software support. "Skype Spy" Software is not in any way affiliated with or endorsed by Skype™. All mentioned trademarks in "Skype Spy" Software and on the product web-site, are registered to their respective authors. All rights not expressly granted in this EULA are reserved by "Skype Spy"