SimplyAccess Invoices: Open Source 1.0.12

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發票 - MS 存取發票資料庫範本。 新版本*** 版本 1.0 現在可供購買 專為小型服務企業開發,用於列印/通過電子郵件發送發票和跟蹤付款。您自己的 Access 資料庫,無需從空白螢幕開始花費數月時間。可以在網路上完全定製和共用,每個使用者無需額外成本。與 Word、Excel 和 Outlook 的連結,以及將發票和報表通過電子郵件發送為 pdf 附件的內建工具。 從今天開始,最少的設置和學習曲線 - 清晰的視覺佈局 - 輕鬆快速地查看您今天、本周、本月等需要發貨的訂單和產品 - 安裝數秒 - 使用專業安裝軟體打包 - 將儲存的電子郵件、檔或掃描文件的複本附加到訂單 管理您的業務 - 訪問開票資料庫 - 列印或通過電子郵件發送專業發票/貸方說明和客戶對帳單 - 將儲存的電子郵件、檔或掃描文件的複本附加到訂單 - 追蹤客戶付款和積分 - 記錄全部或部分發票付款 - 計算銷售稅/加值稅 - 一目了然地查看客戶的聯繫方式、賬戶餘額和完整的交易歷史記錄 - 設置客戶特定的標準折扣率和付款條款 - 查看、列印、通過電子郵件發送或匯出到 Excel – 銷售額、所籌集的積分、您欠了多少(老債務人)以及每個客戶平均需要多少個工作日才能支付。 基於微軟訪問 - 適用於 MS Access 2003 或更晚 - 在網路上分享 -每個使用者無需額外成本 - 可以快速且經濟高效地進行更改 - 根據您自己的業務進行定製 - MS Office 集成 - 電子郵件訂單和報告與 Outlook,匯出訂單數據到 Excel;與 Word 的郵件合併 想要自己構建自定義系統? 從發票開始:微軟訪問開源版可以節省幾個月的時間!


  • 版本 1.0.12 發佈於 2011-11-20



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT Synstral Business Software HB (as of September 2009) END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR “SIMPLYACCESS.NET INVOICES” DATABASE IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE CONTINUING WITH THIS PROGRAM INSTALL: Synstral Business Software HB End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Synstral Business Software HB. for the Synstral Business Software HB software product(s) identified above which may include associated software components, media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. This license agreement represents the entire agreement concerning the program between you and Synstral Business Software HB, (referred to as "licenser"), and it supersedes any prior proposal, representation, or understanding between the parties. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as follows: (a) Installation and Use. Synstral Business Software HB grants you the right to install and use copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your computer running a validly licensed copy of the operating system for which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT was designed [e.g. Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows Vista]. (b) Backup Copies. You may also make copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as may be necessary for backup and archival purposes. 2. Retention of title/Utilization rights 2.1 We shall retain the title to the software until complete payment of the purchase price. 2.2 We are authorized to withdraw from the agreement and demand the return of the software if the client''s conduct is contrary to the terms of the agreement, especially in the case of delay in payment. The client may also be obligated to delete the software and provide proof of having done so. 2.3 The software is legally protected. We are exclusively entitled to the copyright, patent rights, trademark rights and all other ancillary copyrights to the software. The client may use the software supplied on licensed workstations for his own purposes (non–exclusive license). Copies of the software may be made if necessary for its use in a given case. Necessary copies include the installation of the software on the client disk as well as loading it thereafter into main memory on the client hardware. In addition, the client is permitted to make a backup copy. If the client changes the hardware installed, he is obligated to uninstall the software from the hardware swapped out. The client is authorized to permanently transfer the software to a third party, in the absence of good cause, if the third party agrees to the validity of these general terms and conditions of business. Thereupon, the client must transfer all copies of the software to the third party and delete his own copies. The client''s right to use the software expires with the transfer of the software to the third party. In addition, the client is obligated to provide us the full name and address of the third party without being asked. Other acts of utilization and exploitation by the client are not permitted. In particular, there shall be no assignment whatsoever of additional copyright–protected utilization and exploitation rights to the software (such as leasing, hiring out, distribution etc.) and/or to the source code beyond the non–exclusive license. 2.4 The client is obligated to take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized third party access to the software purchased. The client is entitled to change or edit the software for their own use, but not for re-sale to a third party. Furthermore, changing or removing the so–called copyright note and/or copy protection and the like is prohibited. 3. Passage of risk 3.1 The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the software sold shall pass to the client upon delivery of the software. 3.2 Default of acceptance on the part of the client shall be equivalent to delivery. 4. Warranty 4.1 Legal warranty law on the sale of goods shall apply unless provided otherwise below. 4.2 It is pointed out that software errors cannot be ruled out under all conditions of use given the state of the technology. The quality of the software is standard for software of this kind and is as agreed upon. The software meets the requirements for ordinary use as set out in the agreement. It is, however, not error–free, which is normal. A functional impairment of the software resulting from hardware defects, environmental conditions, faulty operations etc. is not a defect. 4.3 Public statements regarding technical data, specifications and performance figures, especially in advertising, are not a specification of the quality of the software. 4.4 The client shall test the software supplied within two (2) weeks after delivery, particularly with respect to completeness and functional capability. We must be notified in writing of any errors identified or readily identifiable through the testing within one (1) week thereafter. Otherwise the software will be considered to be in conformity with the agreement. An exact description of errors must be included. Apart from that, the client is obligated to report any defects within two (2) weeks after first encountering them. Otherwise the software will be considered to be in conformity with the agreement. It is the client''s responsibility to guarantee an operational working environment for the software. 4.5 In case of defects as to quality, we may first effect subsequent performance. We shall have the option of effecting the subsequent performance through repair (remedying the defect) or a substitute delivery. 4.6 Should subsequent performance fail, the client shall have the basic option of demanding a reduction of the payment (decrease) or rescission of the agreement (revocation) or damages in place of service. If the client chooses damages in place of service, the limitations on liability as laid down in the following paragraphs shall apply. In case of slight defects, the client shall not be entitled to a right of revocation. Should the client elect to revoke the agreement after subsequent performance fails on account of a defect of title or a defect as to quality, he shall not additionally be entitled to damages based on the defect. The client is not entitled to revoke the agreement for a breach of duty contained in a defect that is beyond our control. 4.7 We can refuse to remedy the defect till the client makes complete payment. 4.8 The client shall provide us support in the identification and remedying of defects. 4.9 The warranty is valid for one (1) month from the date of delivery. 4.10 Our warranty does not cover defects caused by external factors or by non–compliance with conditions of utilization. The warranty becomes void if the client modifies the software himself or has it modified by a third–party without our permission. 4.11 We shall be entitled to service charges and expense reimbursement at the standard hourly rate if an alleged defect cannot be assigned to an obligation arising out of our warranty after appropriate testing. 5. Liability 5.1 We are liable to the following extent only, regardless of the legal ground: – In case of gross negligence and negligent breach of a substantial duty (cardinal duty), we are liable only to the extent of the typical damages foreseeable at the time of concluding the agreement. – We are not liable for slightly negligent breaches of negligible contractual duties. – We are not liable for the loss of data and/or programs, databases etc. through the installation of the software, especially if the loss is due to the client''s omission to use anti–virus software or implement backup strategies to ensure the restoration of lost data. The plea of comparative negligence on the part of the client remains open to us. 5.2 The limitations on liability do not apply to claims arising out of product liability and to personal injury, injury to health or loss of life attributable to us. Statutory regulations shall apply in these cases. 5.3 In any case, liability shall be restricted to a maximum of the purchase price. 5.4 We are not responsible for the third party contents of any websites to which we provide access via links. We do not adopt the third–part contents. We will immediately disable links to any external sites if it comes to our notice that their contents are unlawful. 5.5 War, civil war, export restrictions and trade restrictions due to a change in political circumstances as well as strikes, lockouts, operational disturbances, reduction of operations and other such events that make the performance of the agreement by us impossible or unreasonable shall be considered as force majeure and shall release us from the performance of the agreement for the duration of their occurrence. The parties to the agreement are obligated to inform each other about these events and to adjust their obligations to the changed circumstances in good faith. 6. Final provisions 6.1 Should a term be or become invalid, the remaining terms shall remain valid. The ineffective term shall be replaced by an effective term coming closest to the ineffective term in the economic sense. 6.2 Amendments and supplements to these general terms and conditions of business are effective only if confirmed in writing by us. This applies to the amendment and revocation of this written form requirement as well. 6.3 Swedish law shall apply exclusively to all legal relations between the client and us to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods even if the client has his company headquarters abroad. END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT Synstral Business Software HB Storegårdsvägen 2, 534 94 Vara, Sweden [email protected]