ShareGuard V1 1

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 2.49 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

ShareGuard:對於想要保護其軟體的共用軟體開發人員。 由 4 個元件組成:(1) 共用衛士鎖 (2) 共用衛士鑰匙 (3) 共用衛士鎖匠 (4) CRC 檢查。(1) ShareGuard Lock 是保護您的軟體免受逆向工程和使用時間超過指定演示週期的程式。這由您的軟體調用,並顯示給使用者,以通知他們當前的演示狀態(例如,還剩下 10 天)。如果需要,它也會顯示一個初始螢幕。您創建 JPG 或 BMP,它將顯示您的標誌/ 最喜歡的圖片沒有任何編碼。(2) 您銷售給客戶的關鍵程式(可選方法) - 允許使用者使用您的有效證書編號之一註冊軟體。使用者將從您那裡購買的共享衛士密鑰程式將阻止 ShareGuard 鎖定程式顯示演示狀態表。通常,使用者必須輸入您將為他們提供服務的證書編號。驗證證書后,軟體將解鎖。(3) 鎖匠程式允許您用於建置鎖和鑰匙。許多不同的選項,允許自定義您的方法。您可以在秒內建構和測試(甚至使用應用程式)、工作鎖和密鑰,而無需閱讀手冊。ShareGuard Locksmith 生成消息通知您可能的問題,生成測試代碼和代碼 (C++, Delphi, Visual FoxPro, Visual Basic, VB.NET和更多來...), 供您剪切和粘貼到您的程式中。(4) CRC 檔案檢查器是一個 DLL,它執行循環冗餘檢查檔,以確保它們沒有被篡改。您將載入 DLL,然後檢查以確保未修改鎖定程式。當調用Lock程式時,它會自動檢查您的軟體,以確保它未被修改。防止逆向工程。ShareGuard 適用於任何可以進行 Windows API 調用的程式設計語言(大多數語言)。


  • 版本 1 發佈於 2002-11-30



ShareGuard V1.0 Software Licence / Copyright Software Licence Please read the following lines carefully before using this software. If you disagree with any of the following, you are not allowed to use this program. You MUST then delete it immediately. Shareware-version You have the right to use this program for a period of up to 30 days and/or 50 runs. You are permitted to copy this Shareware-version (and ONLY the Shareware version) and give it to any other person, as long as it is not modified in any way. You may never give away your software key and/or certificate number under any circumstances. Reverse engineering is not permitted. Use of this software after the trial period of 30 days and 50 runs is in violation of international Copyright law. Use of this software in any other manner, other than what is specified here, is in violation of international Copyright law. You may use and distribute this software with any of your products for use as a Copy Protection system. Registration This program is shareware and is neither freeware nor is it in the public domain and all rights are reserved. Use of the software requires registration for the assignment of your unque product keys. The registration fee is only $49.95 for a one seat licence. See for details on registration and support. Registered version (personal licence) The registered version may be installed on a single computer. The usage on several computers requires additional licences. You may migrate the software to another system. Liability Any liability for damage of any sort is limited to the registration fee. All rights are reserved and all copyrights belong to Zapper Software (510862 B.C. Ltd.). DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some provide all features for a limited time, and some provide limited features without a time limit. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an enhanced program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a book publisher may bundle their software onto a CD. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT Users of ShareGuard must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "ShareGuard is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of ShareGuard." ShareGuard is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find that you are using ShareGuard and continue to use ShareGuard after a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration payment of $49.95 to Zapper Software. The $49.95 registration fee will license your software for use on any computer at any time with royalty-free distribution. NO LIMITS for distribution of your generated locks, keys and the CRC check. Commercial users of ShareGuard must register and pay for their copies of ShareGuard. Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting Zapper Software. Single user developers only pay $49.95 for redistribution rights. A single site license with multiple developers has additional costs. A world-wide license is for multiple sites with multiple developers and has additional costs. You are encouraged to pass a copy of ShareGuard along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive a copy of the latest version of the ShareGuard system and will be entitled to generate unique product keys to allow for the protection of their software products. The number of product keys assigned is self-serve and is based upon your requirements. We reserve the right to limit the number of your assigned product keys (e.g. A single-site license will not permitted to hold the product keys for 1,000,000 software products). Site License and/or World-Wide licenses will be permitted larger product key ranges in order to allow for the protection of several software products. See for further details.