Share Cracker 2.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 2.57 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

對於在倫敦證券交易所投資的人來說,股票餅乾是一個強大的工具。它顯示股市資訊,包括富時100指數和富時250指數,富時指數、AIM指數、道瓊斯指數等各種股市指數。使用這些資訊,您可以輕鬆地看到投資股票的最佳時間以及何時持有或賣出股票。 該程式從互聯網上的免費來源下載股票價格和股票市場數據,以易於理解的形式顯示數據。它顯示最快的上升和下降的股票,他們可以按名稱,價格,百分比變化,交易量和更多排序。 共用可以添加到監視清單中,以便它們始終在螢幕上保存您尋尋它們。可以設置警報,以便您可以立即查看它們是否上升到某個水準以上,或低於某個水準。這些警報可用於決定何時買入或賣出特定股票。 您的股票交易被存儲,您可以查看您的購買和銷售。包括與買賣股票相關的所有成本。目前持有的股票顯示在您的投資組合中,您可以立即看到它們是上升還是下跌,以及您取得了多少利潤或損失。 任何富時100指數或富時250指數股票都可以選擇,當天不斷變化的價格將顯示在圖表中。餅圖一目了然地顯示了市場是上漲還是下跌。 數據根據您自己的日程安排從 Internet 下載,時間從 5 分鐘到 60 分鐘。 跟蹤富時100指數和富時250指數公司股價。看到最快的上升或下降的股票。按價格、交易量、百分比變化和其他因素對股票進行排序。繪製圖表,顯示全天股價的變化。記錄您的股票交易 顯示您的投資組合並查看利潤(或虧損)。設置警報以警告股票上漲或下跌 查看納斯達克和道瓊斯指數指數。自動下載股價。


  • 版本 2.0 發佈於 2006-12-01
  • 版本 2.0 發佈於 2005-12-01



You may make copies of Share Cracker in its original zip file format and freely distribute it using any means, including the Internet, magazine cover discs, CDs and so on, provided that no charge is is made. You may install and use Share Cracker for a period of 30 days free of charge. At any time during this period, you may register it by purchasing and entering a registration code. This code must not be shared or distributed to others by any means. No claims are made as to the fitness or suitability of Share Cracker for any purpose and the author shall not be aliable to you or any third party for any lost profit, data, direct or indirect damages arising from the installation and use of the software. It is not fault-tolerant and should not be used in hazardous or critical environments. The user is responsible for ensuring that adaquate backups of critical data are created. Do not install the software unless you agree to these terms. The stock market data is not live and is approximately 15 minutes old. Share Cracker downloads data from free sources on the Internet and no subscription is required. No guarantee is made as to the availability or accuracy of these sources, but they have been found to be very good and very reliable and have been used by previous versions of Share Cracker for several years.