SayOClock 1.2.2

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一種會說話的數字時鐘,使用預先錄製的「真實語音」 或文字到語音 (TTS) 來「按需」 或根據時程表(在特定時間間隔內、您選擇的時間之間) 。它會通知您系統中安裝了多少 TTS 引擎,以及應發言的 TTS 語音名稱。您可以快速從一個聲音更改為另一個聲音,以及應用程式的運行模式("宣佈時間"或"警報"模式)。每當 SayO'Clock 講話時(無論是使用"真實語音"還是 TTS),面板上的綠色指示燈都會亮起 - 一個有用的視覺警報。 在「公告模式」中,時間間隔通過 SayO'Clock 的面板上的滑塊(可調節在 0 和 60 之間)進行方便設置。例如.間隔為「1」表示 SayO『Clock 將在一小時內說出每分鐘的時間。間隔為「20」表示 SayO'Clock 將說出小時、20 過去小時的時間和超過小時 40 分鐘的時間。您也可以隨時按"說話"按鈕,SayO'Clock 會說出當時的時間。"公告"模式下提供的其他選項包括:是使用"真實語音"還是 TTS,SayO'Clock 是否應自動宣布啟動時間,以及計劃時間公告是否應在"警告蜂鳴音"之前。 SayO'Clock 的「報警模式」由顯示幕中的一個小沙漏圖像指示。在此模式下,只要您選擇時間間隔並釋放滑塊 - 每次間隔經過時,警報都會從該時刻開始觸發。例如.如果選擇「1」作為時間間隔,則警報將在釋放滑塊后 1 分鐘觸發,並在釋放滑塊后 1 分鐘觸發,然後以重複的方式觸發。等等。此外,(就像在"宣佈模式"中一樣),您隨時可以按下「說話」按鈕,SayO'Clock 將說出當時的時間,您可以選擇是否應在警報之前發出「警告蜂鳴音」。


  • 版本 1.2.2 發佈於 2003-08-10



This license statement and limited warranty constitutes a legal agreement ('License Agreement') between you and all other associated entities (either as an individual or an entity) ON THE ONE PART and Measurement And Conversion Software (henceforth referred to as 'M.A.C Software') ON THE OTHER PART for the application identified above as WinThermO, any updates or supplements, online or electronic documentation, printed documentation, and example files (collectively and severally referred to as the 'Software'). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound by all other terms and conditions of the License Agreement. If you do not understand or do not accept these terms, you must stop using this product immediately. M.A.C Software grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software free of charge, indefinitely. TITLE AND COPYRIGHT M.A.C Software and/or its licensors owns all copyright, trade secret, trademark, patent, and any other intellectual property or proprietary rights in and to the Software. The copyright laws of Australia and international copyright treaties protect the Software. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to any content accessed through the Software is the property of the applicable content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other law. This License Agreement gives you no rights to such content. UPGRADES If the Software is an upgrade, you may use or transfer the Software only in conjunction with the upgraded product. The upgrade version of the Software and the Software you upgraded constitute a single product. After the upgrade, you may use only the upgraded product in accordance with the License Agreement that came with the upgrade. OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS You MAY NOT: a) modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, except and only to the extent that applicable law notwithstanding this limitation expressly permits such activity. You acknowledge that the Software in source code form remains a confidential trade secret of M.A.C Software and/or its suppliers. b) create derivative works based on the Software. c) use the Software or any derivative in any form of program which would be generally competitive with or a substitute for M.A.C Software's product line, except by written agreement with M.A.C Software. d) rent, lease, lend, sublicense the Software or any of the documentation. e) modify or remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Software including any copyright notice, or any 'about' dialog or the method by which it may be invoked. f) sell or resell copies of the complete or partial Software or any of the documentation. g) use M.A.C Software's names, logos, or trademarks, except to state that you use this Software. You will indemnify and hold M.A.C Software and its related entities harmless from and against any claims or liabilities arising out of any use of the Software. SECURITY You shall notify M.A.C Software immediately on becoming aware of any unauthorized modification of the whole or any part of the Software. WAIVER No forbearance, delay or indulgence by a party in enforcing the provisions of this License Agreement shall prejudice or restrict the rights of that party, nor shall any waiver of those rights operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach. TERMINATION The license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any of the terms of this License Agreement. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software and documentation. You must also stop using the Software and completely remove it from any computers on which it is installed. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY M.A.C Software makes no representation or Warranty that the Software or documentation are 'error-free', or meet any user's particular standards, requirements, or needs. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software in your environment is borne by you. Should the Software prove defective, you and not M.A.C Software assume the entire cost of any service and repair. M.A.C Software provides no Warranty at all to any person. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, tort, contract, or otherwise, shall M.A.C Software or its suppliers or distributors be liable to you or any other person or entity for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character (including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, loss of profit, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or pecuniary losses) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software product or the provision of or failure to provide support services. HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES The Software is not fault-tolerant and is not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, direct life support machines, weapons systems, aircraft navigation or communication systems, or air traffic control, in which the failure of the Software could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage ('High Risk Activities'). M.A.C Software and its suppliers and distributors specifically disclaim any express or implied Warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. MISCELLANEOUS This agreement shall be governed by, construed, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia. This License Agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this license between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and representations between them. These Terms and Conditions may not be waived, amended, or modified in any way except through a written agreement signed by M.A.C Software. If any one or more provisions of the License Agreement are found to be illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will be enforced to the maximum extent possible. M.A.C Software reserves all other rights and restrictions not specifically granted in this License Agreement.