SafeSystem 是任何防病毒或反間諜軟體程式的完美補充,它允許您防止訪問您的個人和重要檔和資料夾,以及保護和保證系統的完整性和正常運行。它可以使您的檔和檔夾完全不可見,無法訪問或只是唯讀,並防止配置的變化,所以你的電腦將健康和更穩定。安全系統一般允許: - 使不可見的個人資料夾和檔,如:文檔、影像、資料庫、電子表格等 - 防止更改、重新命名或刪除關鍵系統檔(例如程式、驅動程式和系統資料夾)。- 限制對控制面板中某些或所有小號的訪問,從而阻止使用者更改您的系統配置(例如顯示和日期/時間設置)。- 防止使用者從軟盤、CD-ROM 和 DVD-ROM 驅動器運行或安裝未經授權的程式。- 防止使用者在未經您許可的情況下將程式或其他檔案複製到軟盤和外部或可移動驅動器。- 防止使用者從網路下載未經授權的檔(例如,程式、遊戲、音樂或視頻)。- 它是您的防病毒程式的理想補充,因為它避免了任何(已知或未知)病毒,特洛伊木馬,蠕蟲或惡意代碼的破壞性行動。- 它將保持你的重要(系統或個人)檔被刪除,重新命名或更改,無論是意外或由於一個粗心的使用者。- 對系統操作至關重要的檔將始終是安全的,並且不會被舊版本替換。- 系統中所有已安裝的設備將正常工作,因為其驅動程式不會被刪除或更換。- 您的系統中不會免費安裝任何新程式。- 沒有新的程式將免費從網路下載。- 它能夠使您的檔案和資料夾真正不可見的所有應用程式,無論什麼檔案系統(FAT,FAT32或NTFS)您的驅動器格式化。
- 版本 2006 發佈於 2006-01-06
SafeSystem is Copyright © 2003-2006 by GemiScorp. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows Explorer, and/or other Microsoft products are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other mentioned trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners. 1) Distribution SafeSystem is Shareware. We encourage you to copy and distribute SafeSystem to your friends and co-workers or post it on public electronic bulletin boards, FTP and Web sites. Only the unmodified setup package may be distributed. 2) Disclaimer This software and accompanying written materials (including instructions for use) is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. Further, the author does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of use, of the software or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is assumed by you. If the software or written materials are defective, you, and not the author or its dealers, distributors or agents, assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. Neither the author nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this product shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use such product even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 3) Agreement By using this version of SafeSystem you acknowledge that you have read this limited warranty, understand it, and agree to be bound by its'' terms and conditions. You also agree that the limited warranty is the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between the parties and supersede all proposals or prior agreements, oral or written, and any other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of the limited warranty. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this limited warranty, remove immediately the software along with all copies of it from your computer.