ReportGen for GNATBox 1.1.3

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 2.66 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

GNATBox 的 RnR 報告根基於使用者 Internet 活動創建報告。它採用由 GNATBox 防火牆創建的日誌,並在 Web 瀏覽器中顯示使用者選定的報表。日誌從由像 Kiwi Syslog 守護神這樣的系統日誌守護程式創建的選項卡分隔檔讀取。


  • 版本 1.1.3 發佈於 2001-10-31



Terms and Conditions of use: ============================ You may use the Unregistered version of RnR ReportGen for GNATBox for as long as you like without ever having to register. However, it is recommended that you join RnR's Software mailing list so you can be kept informed of bug reports, usage tips and new releases as they become available. The Unregistered version of RnR ReportGen for GNATBox (SOFTWARE PRODUCT) can be registered to disable Unregistered messages and to enable Future additional features over and above those of the Unregistered product. Each registration covers a single copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT installed on a single machine. By installing and/or using this SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree NOT to: =================================================================== (a) Decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble, modify or create derivative works based on the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or the documentation in whole or in part. (b) Remove any copyright or other RnR Software proprietary notices. (c) Distribute any registration key for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to anyone other than the legally registered end user. (d) Rent or lease the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to any other party. (e) Use any registration key or serial number that was not obtained directly from RnR Software. Termination of licence: ======================= Without prejudice to any other rights, RnR Software may terminate this licence agreement if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions contained within this licence agreement. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and all of its component parts, including any registration keys. Ownership: ========== The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is copyrighted proprietary material of RnR Software and may not be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, without RnR Software's prior written permission. To obtain permission, please contact Ralph Murray via e-mail at: [email protected] Software product licence: ========================= The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. Disclaimer: =========== The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is provided "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. Some jurisdictions do not allow or otherwise govern the scope of exclusions of implied warranties, so the above exclusions my not apply in full. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, so changes and/or updates may be affected without notice. RnR Software may also make improvements and/or other changes to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT at any time without notice. No liability for consequential damages: ======================================= To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall RnR Software or the software author, Ralph Murray be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profit, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of, or inability to use, this RnR Software product, even if RnR Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.